VIDEO Homes disappear under lava of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Homes disappear under lava of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma
In an alarming and captivating video, the ongoing eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma highlights the devastating impact of nature's fury as homes are consumed by lava. The video captures the roar of the volcano, which can be heard for miles, as molten rock flows down the slopes, destroying everything in its wake, including homes and livelihoods.
During this disaster, many residents shared their harrowing experiences. One individual named Ascencion described the chaos of her evacuation—leaving behind her home in a matter of minutes, with no knowledge of its fate. “I am very nervous; our whole life is there. We built it with our hands,” she reflected, conveying the deep emotional ties and memories tied to her lost home.
As the lava rises up to eight meters in places, about 7,000 people have been evacuated from their homes. The local community, along with the Spanish royal family, has mobilized to assist those displaced. Donations of essentials are pouring in, and social workers are on hand to provide mental health support to affected families.
The impact is not merely physical; with the ash cloud threatening air travel and the unpredictability of future eruptions adding to the stress for locals. This situation raises questions about recovery and resilience in the face of such natural disasters.
As we witness these events, it is crucial to engage with the thread—what are your thoughts on the situation in La Palma? Have you or someone you know experienced similar natural disasters? Share your stories or insights!
