VIDEO Horrible Histories - Suffragettes Song


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

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Horrible Histories - Suffragettes Song
In the delightful animated segment from Horrible Histories titled "Suffragettes Song," viewers are taken through an engaging and humorous exploration of the suffragette movement. The song tells the surprising and inspiring story of how women fought tirelessly for their right to vote, showcasing the fervent spirit and determination of those involved.
### Historical Context
The suffragette movement began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as women across the UK and other regions began to advocate for their voting rights. Led by figures such as Emmeline Pankhurst, this movement employed various strategies—from peaceful protests to more militant actions—to demand equality. The song humorously illustrates the beginning of this fight, mentioning significant early advocates like Emmeline and explaining how their initial pleas for voting rights were met with dismissal by the Parliament.
### Key Themes in the Song
- **Determination**: The suffragettes faced immense challenges, including imprisonment and public ridicule. Instead of being deterred, their resolve grew stronger. The lyrics capture this spirit, portraying how these women became more radical in their approach as they sought to be heard.
- **Daring Acts**: The song highlights dramatic moments, including the extreme action taken by suffragette Emily Davison, who famously threw herself in front of a horse at the Epsom Derby to draw attention to their cause. This act is depicted as both tragic and daring, shedding light on the lengths to which these women would go for their beliefs.
- **Patriotic Support**: It also touches on a pivotal moment during World War I, where the men went off to war, and the suffragettes temporarily shifted their focus to support the war effort, showing their resilience and adaptability.
### Final Message
By the end of the song, the narrative comes full circle—emphasizing the critical role that those who fought for women's rights played in achieving the political change that granted the vote to women. It's a fun and educational piece suitable for all ages, reminding viewers that the fight for equality wasn't just a historical event but a vibrant and ongoing struggle.
This delightful rendition brings humor and history together, making it an excellent resource for both education and entertainment.
### Join the Discussion!
What are your thoughts on how historical events like the suffragette movement are portrayed in media today? Have you seen any other representations that you found particularly impactful or interesting? Share your experiences and thoughts on this important topic!
