VIDEO How to cool a CPU with cheese and stuff


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
Don't try this at home !!!
Don't try this at home !!!
The intriguing YouTube video titled **"How to cool a CPU with cheese and stuff"** explores a bizarre and humorous approach to thermal management in computers. The creators humorously decide to forgo traditional thermal grease in favor of unconventional materials like cheese, butter, and ketchup. They claim that using these kitchen items can yield surprising results when it comes to cooling a CPU.
In this entertaining video, viewers can expect to see a demonstration where these unusual "thermal pastes" are applied to a CPU, showcasing a light-hearted experiment rather than a serious engineering solution. The video highlights a culture of creativity and fun within the tech community where people are willing to experiment (albeit not necessarily recommendable), and it encourages discussions about the boundaries of experimentation in computing.
The video is described in the tags as a mix of **funny**, **educational**, and **extreme hardware antics**, appealing to a wide audience — from the casual viewer looking for a laugh to tech enthusiasts curious about alternative cooling methods.
Given that the video is rooted in humor, it’s essential for viewers to approach it with the right mindset. Using food products on electronic components is not advisable, but it certainly makes for engaging content.
### Community Engagement
What do you think about using unconventional items for tech projects? Have you ever tried something similar, or do you have your own tech hacks? Share your thoughts and experiences!