How to Customize Max Recording Length in Windows 11 Game Bar


Staff member
Mar 14, 2023
In the world of gaming, sharing your achievements and epic moments has become essential. Windows 11, equipped with its built-in Game Bar, simplifies the process of capturing gameplay videos and screenshots, making it a favorite tool among gamers. This flexible feature allows users to document their gaming experiences effortlessly. One of the most significant aspects of the Game Bar is its ability to customize the Max Recording Length according to your needs.

#### Understanding the Game Bar

The Game Bar in Windows 11 offers two primary modes of operation: automatic and manual recording.

- Automatic Recording (Background Recording): This mode continuously captures the last few minutes of gameplay. It is particularly useful for players who want to save key moments without having to start recording in advance.

- Manual Recording: With this mode, users have complete control over the recording process. You can start or stop recording at will, making it suitable for capturing specific moments. The flexibility allows for sessions that last up to 4 hours, depending on your settings.

The default Max Recording Length is set to 2 hours, but this can be altered depending on your requirements. If you want to adjust the maximum recording length, there are two primary methods you can employ: through the Settings app or the Registry Editor.


### Method 1: Change Max Recording Length via Settings App

1. Access Settings: Click the Start button and select Settings.

2. Navigate to Captures: In the Settings window, go to Gaming > Captures.

3. Adjust Max Recording Length: Under Recording Preferences, locate the Max recording length option. This is the second option from the top and allows you to set how long the Game Bar can record in a single session.

4. Select Your Desired Length: Click the dropdown menu next to Max recording length. The default setting is 2 hours, but you can change it to 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 4 hours.

5. Save Changes: Once you've made your selection, close the Settings app.


### Method 2: Change Max Recording Length via Registry Editor

Warning: Modifying the Windows Registry can lead to serious issues if not done correctly. Always back up your registry before making changes.

1. Open Run Dialog: Press Win + R to open the Run dialog.

2. Access Registry Editor: Type 'regedit' and press Enter. Confirm any prompts that appear.

3. Navigate to GameDVR Key: In the Registry Editor, follow this path:


4. Create MaximumRecordLength Key: In the right pane, look for a key named MaximumRecordLength. If it is missing, create it manually by right-clicking in the right pane, selecting New > QWORD (64-bit) Value, and naming it MaximumRecordLength.

5. Set Recording Length: Double-click on MaximumRecordLength. In the Edit QWORD (64-bit) Value box, set the desired recording length in the Value data field while keeping the Base as Decimal. Use the following values for each length:

- 4 hours: 144000000000

- 2 hours: 72000000000

- 1 hour: 36000000000

- 30 minutes: 18000000000

6. Apply and Exit: Click OK to save changes and close the Registry Editor. Reboot your PC to apply these changes.


### Additional Customization for Game Bar

In addition to adjusting the recording length, Windows 11 allows you to customize various settings related to Game Bar recordings:

- Background Recording Duration: Open the Settings app by pressing Windows + I, then head to Gaming > Captures. Make sure to turn on the Record what happened toggle, and adjust the dropdown to select a longer background recording duration, such as 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, or 10 minutes.

- Modify Other Recording Settings: Within the same settings menu, gamers can further fine-tune their recording preferences, such as choosing audio sources (microphone or system sounds), selecting the frame rate (30 FPS or 60 FPS), changing video quality (standard or high), and even deciding whether to include the mouse cursor in your recordings.


### Conclusion

The Game Bar feature in Windows 11 not only enhances the gaming experience through seamless video capture but also empowers users with the flexibility to customize their recording settings. Adjusting the Max Recording Length can significantly enhance your recording capabilities, especially for those who wish to capture longer gameplay or critical moments without interruptions. Whether you choose to adjust settings through the user-friendly interface of the Settings app or via the more intricate Registry Editor, this functionality paves the way for a richer documentation of gaming achievements.

For gamers who find the built-in capabilities of the Game Bar limiting, there are numerous third-party recording software options available that provide even greater flexibility and features.

With the Game Bar, you're now equipped to take control of your gameplay recordings effectively!

Source: The Windows Club Change Max Recording Length for Game Bar in Windows 11
