
New Member
Feb 25, 2011

I'd like to ask you for a help. Recently, I decided to customize my desktop look, but ran into a problem, kind of. I'll try to describe it below.

My goal was to replace some of the icons, which couldn't be displayed as 'Large Icons'. well, they displayed, but the image was smaller than the icon should have been and it didn't look really stylish.

I started to look online and found quite a lot nice replacements for my icons. However, most of them in .png - I installed a Photoshop plugin, so I'm now able to save 256x256 icon.png as icon.ico, but still something's wrong.

Once I set up the new nice icon, they look all perfect, while displayed as 'Large Icons', however, when I launch that software / application, its icon appears on the Windows bar / tray, but looks weird. Its edges aren't smooth and the resize looks kind of lame.

After a small research, I realized that some icons are a little bit different, let's call them all-in-one.ico and when those're opened in Photoshop, it detects that it's actually more of them somehow compressed in one single .ico, e.g. "all-in-one.ico contains 10 icons, please select one.." or something similar.

Thought about it, tell me, if my assumptions are wrong or correct. Windows apparently has some issues with resizing the icons automatically or it doesn't even bother to resize it and thus, when an icon is being made, it's released in 32x32, 64x64, 128x128 and 256x256 and somehow packed into one single icon and than it displays everywhere just fine, e.g. 'Large Icons', 'Hidden Icons (near clock)' and everywhere else.

the question here is than, how can I put all these icons together and create this all-in-one.ico and can I do it with CS5?

I'll appreciate some tips and suggestions on this and I thank you in advance for this help.

Best Regards,

Hi :-),
I have PS CS5 to but I use Icofx to create my icons and it's so easy and wonderful and most of all FREE!!!! Here is the link -
IcoFX - The Free Icon Editor
You should try it. It really rocks. My desktop is so very Kewl :-)!!! Hope this helps some :-)!
Best Regards Melissa Rose
