Windows Vista I'd Rather Have This Than A Dam Phone! HP $199


Former Moderator
Jan 15, 2008
I want ! I want !......... HP assures me that they plan to increase capacity in the future. The designer model is made like a clutch bag. Link Removed due to 404 Error

I got an Acer Aspire One a few months back. With my internet I have access to wifi where ever available. I truly love the netbook. I use it more than my desktop. It fits in the glove box and is all around one of the best computers I have. I would not go with the one in your link simply because its just another ploy from a wireless company to get us under a contract.

You can buy it without the contract. It's not as good as a regular notebook but much better than a cell phone. If you want to do limited work and web cam or talk constantly. This notebook is for you. (As light as my own personal notebook is, with its equipment etc---very heavy load) Actually the contract they offer in that link doesn't sound bad. Version offered me a 59.00 a month with 2 year sign up agreement(That was 2 years ago)They didn't allow streaming video at that time. What was it they offered with the mini HP compact? I would care to say that after listening and talking with people from around the world and my own personal experience with HP Products. HP makes a better computer than all the rest-- for the time being.

I have the same to say about Acer. I have yet to have a problem with there products. If memory serves me correctly you can NOT buy it for that price with no contract. My Aspire one was that price with no contract, Cas the built in cam and mic and the Atom 1.6 but it came with a 160G hd. My internet that offers me wifi anywhere I go costs me $15 per month.

They don't have it on the HP website at 199.00, but I did see it advertised on t.v. for that price. (It's missing something maybe?) The HP Website Starts at $279.00 but this is what you get: I'd like to know about your Internet Provider, anywhere for $15???

ATT standard DSL. Not the fastest in the world "620kb upload and 320kb download as per the check I just did" Includes access to any att wifi location "I live in the country so we only have like 2, wooptydoo" but we are driving to Long Beach, Monterey and Flagstaff in a couple weeks so for sure I will take advantage of it in the hotels and what not. Also includs dial up access in case I am not near a wifi spot and costs me a woping $15 per month. I cant say much for HP products as the only one I have is there monitor and I guess it works ok, WAIT dosnt HP own Compaq? If so then I am on a HP product now. Far worse in performance than my Acer products. My compaq is 2.8Ghz and about half as fast as my little 1.6 Acer however this could be do to the fact that this computer is running windows vista and the little one has XP on it. To be honest with you I almost thought about getting one of those when I heard the comercial untill I heard "with a 2 year contract" then figured naw I will still with my Acer.

Basically that computer just got a bad wrap with me right out of the box when you hear 199 "with 2 year contract" Reminds me of how att suckers people back into there contract by offering them free phones that are locked down so tight they are just about worthless but to each there own I guess.

ATT standard DSL. Not the fastest in the world "620kb upload and 320kb download as per the check I just did" Includes access to any att wifi location "I live in the country so we only have like 2, wooptydoo" but we are driving to Long Beach, Monterey and Flagstaff in a couple weeks so for sure I will take advantage of it in the hotels and what not. Also includs dial up access in case I am not near a wifi spot and costs me a woping $15 per month. I cant say much for HP products as the only one I have is there monitor and I guess it works ok, WAIT dosnt HP own Compaq? If so then I am on a HP product now. Far worse in performance than my Acer products. My compaq is 2.8Ghz and about half as fast as my little 1.6 Acer however this could be do to the fact that this computer is running windows vista and the little one has XP on it. To be honest with you I almost thought about getting one of those when I heard the comercial untill I heard "with a 2 year contract" then figured naw I will still with my Acer.
Bad RAP on HP-Comppaq!!! Vista has to be tried on a little for performance. Ask Super Bill he recently bought an HP HDD -raves about it. When Windows 7 becomes public, try it out. People in this forum report no errors-good performance. As for free dial up, I get get that from Net Zero for free (6-8 hrs a month)
I haven't gone with AT&T because they want to put all competitors out of business- legal fashion. I guess AT&T and Pacific Bell still feel they own the cable in America..

I agree. I really don't like doing business with ATT but with the cost of services in my area I really had no choice. I had to pay $70 for my wireless access point but thats it. My only other option was satelite which wanted about $500 in equipment. I am surprized noone has called a monopoly on ATT yet as they drive people to them by giving stuff out for free or much cheaper than anyone ells can aford to then lock them into a contract for shotty service which costs several hundred dollars to get out of. I downloaded Windows 7 from the MS website but was always to afraid to do anything with it. This computer is the first I ever purchased brand new and all the computers are brand new with warentys and its nice having that peace of mind albeit this computer runs slower than the netbook of half the speed. All in all though giving the lack in performance I realy realy like Window Vista.
