
New Member
May 16, 2015
Hi, I decided to try out what I am hearing as an awesome OS to come! But I am trying to install it on my older windows 7 home prem HP G71, I meet all the qualifying specs, and a little more.

First I downloaded the ISO from my windows 8.1 (the main laptop I have) and burned it to dvd.. On the win 7 machine I of course made a system image recovery set and repair dvd set (thank goodness for that). I began to install it from boot and all seemed to go well except it referred often to returning to win 8.. when the installation failed from the ISO DVD, I used the win 7 recovery discs and had my system back up and running again.. SO I began to think maybe it needs to be downloaded to the system it is going to run on, or same OS at least.. SO I came back and downloaded the direct install file that goes through the windows update, and I worked fine, at least I thought it did.. After it installed all components and finally came to the windows log in screen I moved the mouse pointer to the password box and before the pointer could get there it froze and I got a DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION error blue screen.. And it rebooted, it did this several times until I just gave up, then I tried using just the arrow keys I got passed the log in password and was prompted for internet connection, although it was already connected to my wifi, I needed to click next on that page to proceed, however it was very laggy and I tried to use the keys to scroll down to where I could move to the right to click on next, and it seemed to freeze and I touched the mouse it moved a few inches and the blue screen same error again..

Now I feel I need to say, I purchased this laptop over 5 years ago through a discount chain, but never had an issue before. I reformatted a few times as I tested different games on it that never worked for that computer anyway, but the clean installs went great, except the one I did a few days ago before I was ready to try win 10 on it.. After a factory recovery I found at the bottom right the not genuine windows message. Well when I was prompted that it was not genuine, I only have to skip registering (I usually do on re installs) and get to the desktop where I was able to go into the properties of my computer and added product key to the one on the sticker of the computer and all was well..

I say that because I wonder is that maybe what my issue is here? And how can I fix this issue?

Thanks for any help!!

If your internet is working, there are some updates installed after 10074 is installed which may help. Your update screen should say when it last updated. You can always select the check for updates yourself.

The OS may react slowly in some situations. Take your time and give it some additional time to complete the task assigned. On my system, it takes at least a minute after boot to really be able to use the Desktop. If you have a ready indication of when the internet is being accessed, such as a light on the modem/router or Task Manager, you might see when it is active so you can judge what the system might be doing.

Are you using a Local Account or a Microsoft account?

After leaving laptop sit with the log on screen for a while I was finally able to get to the desktop!!

But soon as I moved the mouse poof, the same error... So I rebooted and this time I plugged in a usb mouse and wow everything works as it should, well almost!! So there must be a compatibility issue with the mouse driver but I can not get an option to update it.. In fact I do not even see windows update in the control panel, but probably wouldn't on the beta.

I love what I see, things look so great.. I know there will be a lot to check out, so far I can not get the email to work, I add address and it just closes.. Not sure yet.. But I can not even touch by accident the mouse pad or I freeze and get that blue screen error..

I tried to log onto here from that computer I am talking about however when I began to type after a few seconds I froze and blue screen.. As long as I check everything out with the mouse I am ok!!

In fact I do not even see windows update in the control panel, but probably wouldn't on the beta.
Windows Update is located under settings.
If you click the Windows Logo in the bottom left of your taskbar you should see "Settings" third from the top as a choice.

Ah ok thanks Trouble, I found it, it searches and finds updates but wont download it just sits idle.. Several apps I see are not working for me, the Email client just closes after I add address, as do several windows browser opening, I click on folder and it just closes..

I did not get a full download I believe what it did is upgrade my windows 7 to 10 instead of a clean install. I have all my normal icons on the desktop, the picture that was on my screen in 7 is still there in 10, most of my settings are the same, folder options and so on.. And I have two picture, video, downloads, documents folders, I believe it saved my old folders but they were empty so can not answer to weather it would have saved files also!!

If your internet is working, there are some updates installed after 10074 is installed which may help. Your update screen should say when it last updated. You can always select the check for updates yourself.

The OS may react slowly in some situations. Take your time and give it some additional time to complete the task assigned. On my system, it takes at least a minute after boot to really be able to use the Desktop. If you have a ready indication of when the internet is being accessed, such as a light on the modem/router or Task Manager, you might see when it is active so you can judge what the system might be doing.

Are you using a Local Account or a Microsoft account?
