
New Member
Jan 28, 2009
I'm having a problem installing 2 sound cards (Creative Audigy 24-bit & Creative Audigy 2 ZS), and getting both of them to work correctly.

My system info:
ASUS P5N-E Intel board
Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 2.16 GHz
Microsoft Windows 7 Build 7000
500 GB HDD w/100 GB partition specifically for testing Windows 7
Creative Audigy 24-bit (used specifically for speech recognition as primary input because of physical disability)
Creative Audigy 2 ZS (used specifically for multimedia entertainment)

I had no problem installing the ZS... it was a very smooth install, however, after installing the Audigy 24-bit, unable to test the microphone. I'm not getting any kind of signal, plus it shows up in Recording Devices as being 'unavailable'.

I also ran the Windows Update, which provided downloads for the Creative cards, with one installing successfully while the other failed. When installed the 24-bit card, the ZS was physically removed from the motherboard (the same process I used when installing the cards under XP Pro).

I'm at a loss as to how I can get the 24-bit to run side-by-side with the ZS as I have for many years under XP.

Any assistance and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Yes, I have successfully run both of these cards side-by-side in Windows XP Pro w/SP3 with no problems whatsoever.
