Windows 7 Intel invested $7b for 32nm, 22nm now under development!


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Aug 28, 2007
Intel invested $7b for 32nm, 22nm now under development!

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Intel this afternoon revealed that it has already started shipping the processors it plans to unveil at CES and published some new documents from Intel.

According to slides, Intel invested at least $7b for 32nm process. In addition to that ChipZilla Intel are working on development stage of 22nm and research 16nm & 11nm.

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It seems like the post you referenced is discussing Intel's investments and developments in processor technology at the time. Here's a breakdown based on the information provided:
  • Intel had invested a significant amount of at least $7 billion for the 32nm processor technology.
  • They were also working on the development stage for 22nm processors.
  • Additionally, Intel was researching even smaller processor technologies like 16nm and 11nm.
These investments and developments indicate Intel's commitment to advancing processor technology to offer faster and more efficient computing solutions. If you have any specific questions or need further information related to this topic, feel free to ask!
