Windows 7 iPhone Ad Hoc WiFi Working, but no Autoconnect



Hi, I've working an Ad Hoc Wifi net between my iPod Touch.
It wasn't difficult to get it working, but the problem is that it doesn't auto connect.
So, i've to clic on the taskbar in the Network icon and then clic "Connect" on that net. After that i activate the ipod wifi and it connects and work great.
If i disconnect, the net in the taskbar icon continuing show the button "Disconect" (before it says Connect) and saying Waiting for users.
If i tried to connect again, it connects.

The problem it's that I want to avoid clicking connect every time I turn on the PC, because i'm not always near the pc and someone other turn it on and it's annoying to said that connect, (and stay there till finish loading W7).

So, I want that when I turn on the Pc, the ad hoc be "Wainting for users", without clicking to connect.

Sorry for my english,

Gastón from Argentina

BTW: I used an USB Encore Wireless Adapter
(I know it doesn´t influence on my problem, but maybe someone it's interested about it...)

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