VIDEO Is It Possible To Deny Birthright Citizenship To Kids Born In The US? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Is It Possible To Deny Birthright Citizenship To Kids Born In The US? | MSNBC
In a significant discussion featured on MSNBC's "Velshi & Ruhle," the focus is on the controversial topic of birthright citizenship, especially in light of political maneuvers leading up to the midterm elections. With President Trump reportedly contemplating an executive order to end birthright citizenship for children born in the U.S., this clip examines the constitutional implications and societal reactions.
### Key Points Discussed:
- Political Climate: With merely a week before the 2018 midterms, political tensions are running high. The segment underscores how immigration issues are often leveraged for electoral gain, framing the narrative around fears related to migrant caravans and unauthorized immigration.

- Constitutional Debate: The hosts point out that the 14th Amendment guarantees birthright citizenship, and many legal experts argue that effectively changing this would require constitutional amendments—an unlikely and complicated task. The discussion brings forth views from political analysts and justice reporters, highlighting overwhelming public support for maintaining birthright citizenship.
- Historical Context and Comparisons: Julia Ainsley, a justice reporter featured in the segment, emphasizes that the U.S. is not alone in granting birthright citizenship, citing Canada as an example. This points to a broader dialog about national identity and immigration practices that resonate beyond U.S. borders.
- Election Strategy: The ongoing political rhetoric appears designed to motivate certain voter bases, often using charged terminology related to immigration and citizenship, thus stoking fears and rallying support among specific voter demographics.
### Conclusion
This episode not only highlights the immediacy of the political landscape as it relates to immigration but also invites viewers to reflect on the core values enshrined in the Constitution. As debates surrounding birthright citizenship intensify, it becomes essential for voters to consider the implications of these discussions on American society and values.
What are your thoughts on the implications of changing birthright citizenship laws? Do you believe this issue influences voter behavior in upcoming elections? Share your opinions and experiences below!
