VIDEO I've No More F***s To Give!


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
Contains some expletives...or is that 🦆,s ? :razz:

I've No More F***s To Give!
In a hilarious and candid performance, Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq. presents his song "I've No More F**s To Give" at Boyds of Bedford released on November 2nd, 2018. This track is featured on his album *Awkward Encounters While Walking, exemplifying the blend of humor and catchy tunes that resonates so well with audiences today.
The song tackles themes of frustration and resignation, wrapped up in a light-hearted comedic package. Through clever lyrics and engaging melodies, Wild captures the everyday struggles that many can relate to. The performance showcases his skillful play on the banjolele and ukulele, while the humorous undertones keep the atmosphere lively.
### Key Highlights:
  • Performance Style: Thomas Benjamin Wild's engaging stage presence draws the audience in, making it not just a listening experience but a lively show.
  • Humorous Element: The song's comedic aspect is underlined by its relatable subject matter—feeling overwhelmed and fed up with life's expectations.
  • Viral Appeal: With its catchy chorus and humorous dialogue, this track is perfect for singalongs and has gained a following online, resonating especially well in various social media circles.
### Catchy Lyrics:
The song is filled with catchy hooks and witty lyrics, as exemplified in the beginning with expressions of trying hard but feeling exhausted. It humorously conveys how sometimes, despite our best efforts, we reach a point of emotional saturation.
### Community Engagement:
Have you ever felt similarly overwhelmed? What catchy songs do you turn to in moments of frustration? Share your thoughts below!
For more on music that blends humor and catchy melodies, check out other threads discussing similar themes or artists worth exploring.
