Windows 7 Just a better copy?


New Member
Oct 12, 2009
Seems to me so far that 7 is just the same pain as vista with more OSX like features? Whats with the hype?

P.S. this may turn into but was not intended to be a flame thread.

It operates a bit faster than Vista. The performance and stability rating is probably better. There have been some comparisons that Windows 7 actually boots slower than Vista - in the fact Windows 7 will get you to the desktop quicker, but it is still slower because its loading core OS files. Either way, BIOS and chipset makers are looking at ways at reducing system boots time expontentially with some new technology I was reading about.

Windows 7 is a good break from Windows Vista. It has less slowdown issues, and I suspect after the first service pack it will render Windows Vista obsolete. You can not use more than 3.2GB of RAM with Windows XP, unless you install XP 64-bit, which I have heard nothing but horror stories about. Just keep a ghost image of XP and keep re-imaging when it goes down? Thats not an option for me :D

Agree absolutely with Mike.

It may not seem all that different now.

There will be improvements to 7 with SP'S - Vista won't get any real improvements from now on - MS could - but they won't.

They will let Vista wither and die. Such a waste. Except it is reborn under a different name - 7.

I like Vista - I like 7 because it is Vista at heart.

I agree with the OP - differences between them are small - one gets slagged off - the other gets treated like the greatest gift on earth.

How is that? Just shows what a lot of rubbish is spouted .

Here the deal, I've never used Vista or even considered using it. I've been using XP since it first appeared and was very happy with it until Win 7. I haven't any comparision between Win 7 and Vista but as AFAIC Win 7 kicks XP's butt.
The fact that it fixes many of the supposed issues with Vista is irrelevant to me.
I view it as a very worthy replacement for XP.
I'm looking forward to Oct. 22.

Well, I have no doubt in my mind that 7 is better than Vista and XP (I think Vista is better than XP)

I really think everyone should just get a mac, but as all macs except the macpro use mobile GPUs, its not much an option for gamers who have price limitations. I was very fortunate to be able to sell my gaming PC for more than what it was worth, and replace it with a macpro, which I do all my gaming on via bootcamp (with vista). When the opportunity presented itself to get such a great computer, I couldnt resist. I had fallen in love with my macbookpro and OS 10.5. And having used ipods since they came out, and owning an iphone 3G, i have had a very good experience with apple.

Back on topic... I think win7 is a very necessary upgrade for those using XP, vista I find stable, fast, and easy as long as you dont have a lot of programs messing it up, but i think win7 will still have those problems. I have never used vista as a primary OS, before getting my gaming computer (which as mentioned I have since sold) I had an old desktop with XP and my macbook pro.

I think after users really start using 7, they will find themselves buying registry and clean up programs, and will be just as upset as they were with vista. Marketing will only get you so far microsoft. If apple drops prices, they will take the market.

EDIT: P.S. anyone else seeing the "click here to fix windows 7 errors and optimize windows 7 performance"? LOL

If apple drops prices, they will take the market.

I hope they do. Then we can lay to rest the claims of Mac doesn't get viruses.

they will find themselves buying registry and clean up programs

Bad idea. They are all useless for the most part. Unless you know what you are doing. And paying for them is even dumber.

click here to fix windows 7 errors and optimize windows 7 performance

Unfortunately,, yes. Don't you believe it.

Well, I have no doubt in my mind that 7 is better than Vista and XP (I think Vista is better than XP)

I really think everyone should just get a mac, but as all macs except the macpro use mobile GPUs, its not much an option for gamers who have price limitations. I was very fortunate to be able to sell my gaming PC for more than what it was worth, and replace it with a macpro, which I do all my gaming on via bootcamp (with vista). When the opportunity presented itself to get such a great computer, I couldnt resist. I had fallen in love with my macbookpro and OS 10.5. And having used ipods since they came out, and owning an iphone 3G, i have had a very good experience with apple.

Back on topic... I think win7 is a very necessary upgrade for those using XP, vista I find stable, fast, and easy as long as you dont have a lot of programs messing it up, but i think win7 will still have those problems. I have never used vista as a primary OS, before getting my gaming computer (which as mentioned I have since sold) I had an old desktop with XP and my macbook pro.

I think after users really start using 7, they will find themselves buying registry and clean up programs, and will be just as upset as they were with vista. Marketing will only get you so far microsoft. If apple drops prices, they will take the market.

EDIT: P.S. anyone else seeing the "click here to fix windows 7 errors and optimize windows 7 performance"? LOL

At least M$ is trying to fix their mistakes. The general consensus is that W7 is a real improvement over Vista and XP. I find that to be true for me.

Apple on the other hand is content to go on and on with their mistakes. They're great software writers but they are total idiots otherwise. They could take over the world with their operating system and phone if they would come down off their high horse and allow people to use them where they want. OSX should be able to run on a PC and the iPhone should work with other carriers. Also their hardware is ridiculously over priced.

PS. I don't see that "click here to fix windows 7 errors and optimize windows 7 performance" thing. What is it, an ad? If that's what it is "AdBlock Plus" won't allow it into my browser.

nothing is worse than a vista and from my experience vista would crash more than a blind in the dark i have suffered with it and i took an oath to use XP no matter what and when 7 came out i had to read reviews and listen to friends opinion about it and it took me a while to make desicion to install the RC and that was it,very beuatiful very fast and XP like stable and i think it's not fair to put 7 with the word vista anywhere,Just my 2 cents!

click here to fix windows 7 errors and optimize windows 7 performance

Click on it to go the site and have a look. Earn a few cents for the Forum.

Windows 7 is Microsoft's best work.. but that doesn't mean you need it. Everyone seems to forget that the if you want to use the multi core, multi thread potential of the newer processory you'll have to give up XP.

VERY few people actually buy an OS upgrade.... most get the os on the computer they buy and 90%+ of all new computers sold have windows on them.

A few people upgrade because they want to run software that won't run on 95/Me.

News Flash: Apple fan doesn't like Windows 7.

I think it's insulting to Windows 7 to say it's at all like Windows Vista.. ;) But hey, that's just me.. To each his own.. ;)
