
Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2010
I have an intermittent problem with the keyboard on my HP Pavilion laptop. More and more frequently the letters and numbers which appear are gibberish.......as if they are encrypted. The gibberish seems to appear only in browsers and the Windows search box. There seems to be nothing I can do at the time other than reboot the computer. When I do reeboot, the problem disappears for awhile and then reappears. The only other solution is to type in Notepad or Word and then copy/paste to where I am having the problem,. The problem is intermittent and seems to appear with no consistency, rhyme or reason. I do have KeyScrambler by QFX Software which I've used for quite some time with no apparent problems. I wonder if this could be the cause but have not yet uninstalled/resinstalled it.

This is a new one. I'm having trouble envisioning something that would scramble keys in some applications but not others. I've never even heard of any malware that does that. I don't know what KeyScrambler is but it sounds like something is doing exactly that on your computer. You're the only user I have ever known with this problem and, coincidentally, the only one I have ever known with a program called KeyScrambler. Just off the top of my head, if I had to make a wild guess as to where might be a logical place to start looking for the cause...

Have not had the problem since I uninstalled KeyScrambler.
