
New Member
Nov 30, 2006
Alright i have the final release of Vista Ultimate installed on my machine here at work (msdn release) and doing some testing.
i've noticed now the old Windows Messenger WILL install and run (beta's it wouldnt install) but has known compatibility issues as i've noticed it will work for a while but will frequently crash. This i was expecting as it was noted it will no longer be supported on OS's after XP.
My issue is my company using Live Communication Server (SIP Accounts) for an internal messenging system and Windows Messenger v 5.1 was the only program i could find that would provide us with the means of setting up the appropriate SIP account. Does anyone know if Microsoft has a followup program that is supposed to work with this? I know Trillian has a plugin that will work with it and i was using that myself but for a company as a whole it is not feasible to upgrade everyone to Trillian Pro (needed for the SIP plugin).
Also, another issue i found is the 2003 Server Admin pack (installs admin tools such as Active Directory for Users and Computers) will install but many tools are not compatible with Vista. the main one I am having an issue with is AD for Users and Computers. Telling me that the snap in cannot initialize or something like that. Is this a known issue as well and if so are there any version slotted for release that are meant to resolve or replace?
any help with this would be greatly appreciated as we are looking to start rolling out Vista to our developers for testing in the near future.

In order to get all Server 2003 Adminpak tools to work in Windows Vista, you must run a series of commands from the command prompt. I found these after intense searching on Google and then

1. Log on to Windows Vista as a user who has local administrator permissions.
2. Create the RegisterAdminPak.cmd script. To do this, follow these steps:
a. Start Notepad, and then open a blank document.
b. Paste the following code to the document in Notepad:

@echo off

REM RegisterAdminPak.cmd
REM (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

set filelist=adprop.dll azroles.dll azroleui.dll ccfg95.dll
set filelist=%filelist% certadm.dll certmmc.dll certpdef.dll certtmpl.dll
SIP and 5.1

AD user and computers should work fine.

I have Vista Enterprise currently installed on my work laptop i'm actually replying to you.
It is working fine currently.

as for Messenger...i'm having a similar issue as you.

Company is using Windows Messenger Server (SIP accounts) and all clients have v5.1.
Live doesn't support SIP and 5.1 doesn't support Vista (always crashing)


AD user and computers should work fine.

I have Vista Enterprise currently installed on my work laptop i'm actually replying to you.
It is working fine currently.

as for Messenger...i'm having a similar issue as you.

Company is using Windows Messenger Server (SIP accounts) and all clients have v5.1.
Live doesn't support SIP and 5.1 doesn't support Vista (always crashing)


really? ad users and computers works for you? i am able to get SOME of the admin tools to run (ie DNS) but when i try to run ad users & computers it says it cannot create the snappin)
any ideas?? could you maybe point me to the install pack you are using ?
ya the messenger issue is a pain in the butt. runs in vista final release but crashes frequently

AD Users & Computers

I believe the one we have up on the network is Windows 2003 Server Adminpak.

Opening ADUC I goto help and about and its showing version 5.2.3790.1830 (hopefully thats just not the MMC version)

Hopefully that helps


this is probably the replacement client for wm5.1

Link Removed due to 404 Error

Link Removed due to 404 Error

awesome! thanks you very much for the help!

as for the ADUC, still no luck. just tells me it cannot load the snap-in. thanks anyways though. maybe i could try re-installing from a new install package if i can find one

In order to get all Server 2003 Adminpak tools to work in Windows Vista, you must run a series of commands from the command prompt. I found these after intense searching on Google and then

1. Log on to Windows Vista as a user who has local administrator permissions.
2. Create the RegisterAdminPak.cmd script. To do this, follow these steps:
a. Start Notepad, and then open a blank document.
b. Paste the following code to the document in Notepad:

@echo off

REM RegisterAdminPak.cmd
REM (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

set filelist=adprop.dll azroles.dll azroleui.dll ccfg95.dll
set filelist=%filelist% certadm.dll certmmc.dll certpdef.dll certtmpl.dll
set filelist=%filelist% certxds.dll cladmwiz.dll clcfgsrv.dll clnetrex.dll
set filelist=%filelist% cluadmex.dll cluadmmc.dll cmproxy.dll cmroute.dll
set filelist=%filelist% cmutoa.dll cnet16.dll debugex.dll dfscore.dll
set filelist=%filelist% dfsgui.dll dhcpsnap.dll dnsmgr.dll domadmin.dll
set filelist=%filelist% dsadmin.dll dsuiwiz.dll imadmui.dll lrwizdll.dll
set filelist=%filelist% mprsnap.dll msclus.dll mstsmhst.dll mstsmmc.dll
set filelist=%filelist% nntpadm.dll nntpapi.dll nntpsnap.dll ntdsbsrv.dll
set filelist=%filelist% ntfrsapi.dll rasuser.dll rigpsnap.dll rsadmin.dll
set filelist=%filelist% rscommon.dll rsconn.dll rsengps.dll rsjob.dll
set filelist=%filelist% rsservps.dll rsshell.dll rssubps.dll rtrfiltr.dll
set filelist=%filelist% schmmgmt.dll tapisnap.dll tsuserex.dll vsstskex.dll
set filelist=%filelist% w95inf16.dll w95inf32.dll winsevnt.dll winsmon.dll
set filelist=%filelist% winsrpc.dll winssnap.dll ws03res.dll

for %%i in (%filelist%) do (
echo Registering %%i ...
regsvr32 /s %%i

Echo Command Completed

c. On the File menu, click Save.
d. In the Save as type box, click All Files, type C:\Users\UserAccountName\RegisterAdminPak.cmd in the File name box, and then click Save.

After you do this just navigate to the folder you saved it in in the command prompt or explorer, and run the RegisterAdminPak.cmd file or whatever you named it when you saved it as an Administrator.

The url for this fix is [url=

Hope this helps.

