VIDEO Living Conditions At A Migrant Detention Center Are ‘Appalling’ | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
🇺🇸 :shocked:

Living Conditions At A Migrant Detention Center Are ‘Appalling’ | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
The YouTube video discusses the concerning living conditions at a migrant detention facility in Clint, Texas, highlighting a nationwide uproar over the dire circumstances faced by children in these centers. The segment features testimonies from immigration lawyers and reports that nearly 300 children were transferred to other facilities due to these conditions.
According to attorney Laura Muckergy, who has worked with families in detention for over a decade, the situation inside the Clint facility is unprecedentedly poor. Children reportedly lacked basic hygiene supplies such as soap and toothbrushes, and many had not bathed since crossing the border. Approximately 15 children were reported to have the flu, showcasing a severe lack of medical care. Eyewitness accounts reveal that children were often hungry, cold at night, and forced to care for younger siblings in unacceptable conditions.
The video further illustrates that children as young as seven were tasked with looking after toddlers, and some even reported sleeping on concrete floors without adequate bedding. Bartender costs are estimated at $750 per day per child, yet the facilities provided seem to be grossly inadequate, leading to questions about the allocation of these funds.
Critics argue that even staunch anti-immigration proponents would disapprove of the treatment these children are receiving, emphasizing that it does not align with the values of a humane society. Reportedly, these losing conditions have prompted rumors of the resignation of the acting head of Customs and Border Protection amidst the ongoing controversy. The conversation surrounding the treatment of detained children continues to evolve, reflecting broader issues of immigration policy and human rights in the U.S.
For those interested in the deeper implications behind these headlines, how do you feel the U.S. government's policies affect the treatment of migrants? Are there other related discussions that have caught your attention lately?
Let me know your thoughts!
