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Jul 7, 2009
Man survives after been shot 21 times by police

(August 2010)

A 23-year-old man is counting his luck today after he survived being shot 21 times by police. Armed officers were involved in a shoot-out with the 23-year old named as Angel Alvarez at a New York street party. It’s claimed that Alvarez shot Luis Soto, 21 after the pair became embroiled in an argument over a woman, and he then turned his gun on officers who were monitoring the Harlem street party, where he wounded two policemen and three bystanders fortunately not seriously.

He then shot by police in the ensuing gun battle along Lenox Avenue and 143rd Street, at 3am on Sunday, 50 shots were fired with 46 of them coming from police weapons and Alvarez was hit at least 21 times. Officer Michael Tedeschi hit in the chest by a stray bullet and suffered bruising to his chest however police said his life had been saved by his vest, the other officer injured only suffered grazing to his hand.
Police initially claimed that Alvarez killed Mr Soto dead before shooting at officers however tests have now proved that Mr Soto was killed by a bullet fired from a police gun, as well as the officer injured, three bystanders also suffered injury, witnesses said: ‘People were running everywhere, grabbing kids and tripping over each other.’
Angel Alvarez is currently in a critical condition in hospital but is expected to live, doctors treating him have said that the bullets fired by police officers had missed his vital organs but he was shot in the arms, legs, abdomen and jaw but is able to talk.
Forensic pathologist Dr Vincent DiMaio said: “Alvarez’s survival against a hail of bullets was unprecedented. I would say more than 20 gunshot wounds is a record, of course, the real issue is where you get shot. One bullet can kill you, but believe it or not, a body can survive a lot of bullet wounds.”

Speaking about the shooting and the dangers of illegal guns New York mayor Michael Bloomberg said:” How much longer are we as a nation going to wait before we get serious about stopping illegal guns from getting into the hands of people who mean to do harm to others?”

A statement from the Police stated that Alvarez had been arrested eight times before for violent offences, and New York police chief Ray Kelly supports his officers saying they had been justified in using deadly force.

A remarkable story . So, Mr Soto was shot by the police , who had claimed that , Alvarez had fired the fatal shot . Strange indeed !

I was talking about the guy, the police had claimed was shot by the man, the police shot 21 times . Mr Soto who I think was shot just the once by the police . They then claimed the man they had shot 21 times , Had fired the shot into , Mr Soto . It would now seemk the police fird the shot into , Mr Soto .
Strange story . Not just for the fact that a man survived being shot 21 times but that the police shot another man . Not content with shooting , Mr Soto they tried to pin it on the guy they shot 21 times !

I was talking about the guy, the police had claimed was shot by the man, the police shot 21 times . Mr Soto who I think was shot just the once by the police . They then claimed the man they had shot 21 times , Had fired the shot into , Mr Soto . It would now seemk the police fird the shot into , Mr Soto.

Cut that out, Whoosh, stop immediately cause I'm driven nuts by your logic - can't get a word of what you're saying actually. Why turning a clear simple story into that much complexity, no really for what?

Angel Alvarez and Luis Soto embroiled in an argument over a woman, alright? Then, Alvarez goes "Ah with you" and does so shoot shoot at Luis Soto, right. Then Alvarez gets hit by the police 21 times - at least. Ok? Yeah, in the meantime Soto gets shot and dies.

Now, police claimed that Alvarez killed Mr Soto dead before shooting at officers; however, later tests proved that Mr Soto was killed by a bullet fired from a police gun. So what, maybe Alvarez, and the police, had both shot at Soto, and now they say police did it. Not necessarily, you know like you get shot by a few bullets and then they say this bullet killed you, not the other. b-(

Still confused? Then let's see what the expert (!) says, his words: "One bullet can kill you, but believe it or not, a body can survive a lot of bullet wounds.” So quite possible Mr. Soto was shot by 1) Alvarez + 2) the police = and then a few minutes later he died.

So you're saying the expert was wrong, huh? :rolleyes:

I guess it is possible that Alvarez shot the guy but then a police marksman drilled the guy in the exact same spot :P = me bad ;)

Hey, not necessarily, could have been a few bullets in different spots - Soto didn't die from only one deadly bullet. :)
