VIDEO Meet Frederik the Great: World's Most Handsome Horse

Meet Frederik the Great: World's Most Handsome Horse
In a lighthearted segment from *The Late Show with Stephen Colbert*, viewers are introduced to Frederik the Great, who has been hailed as the "world's most handsome horse." This charming Friesian stallion, with a flowing mane and an impressive stature, is showcased alongside his owner, Stacy Nazario.
### Overview of the Segment
During the segment, Stephen Colbert is joined by Stacy, who shares fascinating insights about Frederik's breed and personality. Here are some highlights:
- **Origin of the Friesian Horse**: Stacy explains that Friesians hail from the Netherlands and were nearly extinct until conservation efforts revived the breed. Historically, they were used as war horses and later for carriages.

- **Frederik's Status**: The horse was voted the most handsome in the world, with Colbert humorously noting the significance of being an "election year."
- **Personalities and Care**: Described as a "gentle giant," Frederik reportedly enjoys cuddling and interacting with people, including newborns. Stacy attributes his stunning mane to both good genetics and proper care.
### Notable Moments
Colbert, engaging with Frederik, jokes about the horse's capabilities, including a playful proposal to give the horse a carrot from his mouth. The segment also reveals that Frederik is available for stud services, albeit with a waitlist, humorously teasing that actor Chris Pratt is at the top.
### Conclusion
This delightful segment not only showcases Frederik’s beauty but also highlights the endearing nature of horses and their connection with humans. It's a reminder of how animals can bring joy and laughter to our lives, even on a late-night talk show.
Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences with unique and beautiful animals! Did anyone have an unforgettable encounter with a horse? Let’s discuss!