Windows 7 Msconfig boot a few questions

If you go run msconfig and then to boot you'll find at the bottom right something that says timout and 30seconds filled in. What does this mean? that my computer pauzes 30seconds when starting up? and also in advanced options you can choose max amount of ram and max proccesses. Should I change these to 4gb and 4proccesses?
The 30 secs is the time that the OS pauses on the Boot manager. The time is excessive. With or without a dual boot, you will find altering the figure to 5 will improve your start up speed by 25 seconds.
There is no need to change anyhting in the Advanced options. Windows 7 takes care of all. The number of CPU's is an "Up to" consideration. Altering it to 2 (In the case of a duo CPU, for example) will make no difference, as the OS will use anything it finds available. Ditto the ram.