Windows 7 Multipile Random BSoD


New Member
Oct 29, 2012
I've got a problem with my old Win XP Computer. It crashed quite often recently due to random BSoD so i want your help. I think that the cause may be the HDD since its quite old already, about 7 years ago i bought the computer and haven't changed anything since. I'm attaching the minidump files so u can check it.


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Please use the link provided to post a BSOD report, thanks.

1 of the dumps point to a crash made in 2005, the others in 2011, so I recommend running the W7F tool to get the latest crashes.

Although, I'd recommend getting a new computer with Windows 7 or 8 - 7 years is rather old for a computer

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Please use the link provided to post a BSOD report, thanks.

1 of the dumps point to a crash made in 2005, the others in 2011, so I recommend running the W7F tool to get the latest crashes.

Although, I'd recommend getting a new computer with Windows 7 or 8 - 7 years is rather old for a computer

