Sorry, I was hoping that the Hardware Ids, would provide some additional insight as to your specific device, but as best as I can determine you have identified it properly and if you followed the link I provided and downloaded the proper 64 bit or 32 bit driver as I suggested above then you have installed the appropriate drivers for the hardware device.
If this is an integrated intel network adapter on and intel MoBo (double check and make sure that the BIOS setting regarding this adapter are set properly (enabled)), then you may have to contact Intel for Tech Support as they may have some specific knowledge as to any known issues regarding this particular adapter and Windows 7 (perhaps a BIOS/Firmware update or a Chipset Revision).
The only other thing that I can think to mention is that perhaps if this device had been working properly at some time in the recent past then you may want to try some older driver versions to see if there is perhaps an issue with the current driver that you have installed.
There is a list here by date, version and OS, you will have to examine each to determine if they are 64 or 32 bit drivers which is stated on the "Overview" tab when you click each instance of the driver packages.
Microsoft Update Catalog
Finally, it may just be a situation where you have a bad device, in which case your options would be either to return it for a replacement or refund or turn it off in the BIOS and purchase an add-on PCI(e), or USB network adapter instead.
Keep us posted as to how you are proceeding
Best Wishes