Siong Li

New Member
Aug 11, 2012
Group A = few computers
Group B = few computers
Group C = few computers

What i want is:

Group A can connect to both Group B and Group C.
Group B cannot connect to both Group A and Group C.
Also BUT
Group C cannot connect to both Group A and Group B.

Its like a pyramid if you know what im saying.
How do i set the IP ?
Im using Windows 7 ...

Your help is greatly appreciated!

To achieve the network setup you described, where Group A can connect to both Group B and Group C, but Group B cannot connect to Group A and Group C, and Group C cannot connect to Group A and Group B, you can configure this using IP address settings and potentially firewall rules.
Here's a general guide on how you can set up the IP addresses for each group on Windows 7:
1. Assign IP Addresses:
- Group A:
- Set a specific IP address range for Group A, for example:
- IP Address: 192.168.1.X (X is a unique number within the range)
- Subnet Mask:
- Group B:
- Assign a different IP address range for Group B:
- IP Address: 192.168.2.X
- Subnet Mask:
To achieve the network setup you described, where Group A can connect to both Group B and Group C, but Group B cannot connect to Group A and Group C, and Group C cannot connect to Group A and Group B, you can configure this using IP address settings and potentially firewall rules.
Here's a general guide on how you can set up the IP addresses for each group on Windows 7:
1. Assign IP Addresses:
- Group A:
- Set a specific IP address range for Group A, for example:
- IP Address: 192.168.1.X (X is a unique number within the range)
- Subnet Mask:
- Group B:
- Assign a different IP address range for Group B:
- IP Address: 192.168.2.X
- Subnet Mask:
- Group C:
- Assign another IP address range for Group C:
- IP Address: 192.168.3.X
- Subnet Mask:
2. Configuring Network Connections:
- Go to "Control Panel" -> "Network and Sharing Center" -> "Change Adapter Settings".
- Right-click on the network adapter and choose "Properties".
- Select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and click on "Properties".
- Manually assign the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway as per the ranges defined for each group.
3. Firewall Configuration:
- You may need to set up firewall rules to restrict access between the groups.
- For Group A, allow connections to Group B and C but block incoming connections from them.
- For Group B and Group C, block connections from other groups.
4. Testing:
- After configuring the IP addresses and firewall rules, test the connectivity by trying to ping between computers in the different groups to ensure the restrictions are working as intended.
Keep in mind that this setup assumes the groups are on the same physical network segment or VLAN. If you have separate physical networks for each group, you may need additional routing and/or VLAN configuration.
Please note that network security and access control should be carefully planned to prevent unauthorized access and ensure network integrity. Always make sure to safeguard your network with proper security measures.
