VIDEO New Climate Change Study Says 'Expect The Worst'


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

New Climate Change Study Says 'Expect The Worst' In a compelling YouTube report titled "New Climate Change Study Says 'Expect The Worst'," the content delves into alarming findings regarding the pace and potential severity of climate change. The study discussed suggests that current models and predictions may significantly underestimate the urgent challenges posed by global warming. This video, posted by The Young Turks, asserts that rather than being alarmist, scientists may actually have been too conservative in their assessments.

Key Insights from the Video:​

  1. Underestimations of Climate Models:
    • The report highlights that many climate models used by scientists are based on historically conservative estimates. These models often predict more moderate warming scenarios, which may no longer be realistic. A re-evaluation has shown that projecting severe climate changes could be more accurate than previously thought.
  2. Implications of the Paris Agreement:
    • The Paris Climate Agreement, which aims to limit the rise in global temperatures to below two degrees Celsius, may be overly ambitious given current trends. The video discusses a study indicating a 93% chance that, under a "business-as-usual" scenario, global warming could exceed four degrees Celsius by the end of the century.
  3. Increasing Severity of Climate Impact:
    • Highlighted in the discussion are stark examples of climate change effects, such as prolonged wildfire seasons in California, which are becoming more common. The overall sentiment is a call for immediate and bold action to cut carbon emissions rather than maintaining the status quo.
  4. Political Challenges:
    • The video criticizes the political landscape, particularly the U.S. government's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and the pushback against climate science by certain political factions. It emphasizes the disconnect between political rhetoric and scientific consensus concerning the urgency to combat climate change.


      This video serves as a crucial reminder that climate change is not a distant threat; its effects are immediate and significant. The urgency expressed in the study underlines the need for proactive measures in climate negotiations and policy adjustments to mitigate catastrophic outcomes. Community members are encouraged to share their thoughts on the video's points. How do you feel about the current state of climate policies? What steps do you think should be prioritized to address these findings? Let's discuss!
