VIDEO New Poll Shows Trump Has Virtually No Chance Of Being Reelected


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
🇺🇸 :shocked:

New Poll Shows Trump Has Virtually No Chance Of Being Reelected
In a recent discussion surrounding a new NPR/Marist poll, there seems to be a significant shift in public sentiment regarding Donald Trump's chances for reelection in 2020. The poll indicated that Trump has lost crucial support among Independents, with a staggering 54% stating they would vote against him, rather than simply not voting for him. This distinction is crucial; it signifies a strong rejection rather than mere apathy.
### Key Insights from the Poll:
  • Independent Voters: The poll showed that 54% of Independents are firmly against Trump. This represents a significant hurdle for his reelection campaign. The wording used by the respondents highlights their intensity of feeling; they're not just indifferent—they are actively voting against him, suggesting a desire to see him ousted regardless of who might replace him.
  • Republican Support: Trump's approval rating among Republicans hovers around 70%. However, the remaining 30% may not necessarily swing Democratic but could become less motivated to vote. This scenario resembles the dynamic observed among disaffected Democrats in the 2016 elections, where many opted out of voting altogether.
  • Changing Dynamics: The snapshot provided by this poll reflects a moment that could change as the election approaches. Factors such as economic performance and Trump's ongoing political maneuvers will likely influence these numbers leading up to the election.
### Conclusion:
Should Trump continue to alienate critical voter demographics and ignore the realities faced by many Americans, he risks further erosion of his support. The discussion suggests that the upcoming months will be pivotal, with potential shifts in voter sentiment as new issues and events unfold.
This poll serves as a wake-up call for the Trump campaign—whether it catalyzes a shift in strategy or leads to further alienation remains to be seen.
What are your thoughts on this poll? Do you think these numbers will impact Trump's approach in the lead-up to the election? Feel free to share your insights or similar experiences related to political strategies!
