VIDEO New Reports Paint 'Damning Chronology' Of Donald Trump Firing James Comey | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

New Reports Paint 'Damning Chronology' Of Donald Trump Firing James Comey | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
In the recent episode of MSNBC's "The 11th Hour," new details have emerged surrounding the turbulent moments leading up to President Donald Trump’s decision to fire former FBI Director James Comey in May 2017. As various reports coalesce into what many are calling a "damning chronology," the discussion sheds light on internal discussions and the political machinations within the Trump White House during this critical period.
### Context of the Firing
The video outlines how the decision to dismiss Comey was not as straightforward as portrayed at the time. Initially framed as a decision backed by then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's recommendation, sources now indicate that the firing was heavily influenced by Trump’s personal frustrations, particularly regarding the Russia investigation and Comey's public statements during his Senate testimony.
#### Key Points from the Discussion
1. **Draft Letter Dynamics**: The New York Times revealed that Trump had prepared a letter justifying the firing but decided against sending it after it was deemed too combative by White House counsel Don McGahn. This draft was reportedly saved and later reviewed by special counsel Robert Mueller.
2. **Trump’s Motivations**: Analysts in the video underscore that one of Trump’s primary concerns during the firing was Comey's assurances about not being under investigation, which Trump found necessary to convey publicly—this indicated his deep-seated anxieties over the ongoing Russia investigation.
3. **Evolving Justifications**: The narrative around why Comey was dismissed has shifted multiple times, evolving from issues related to the handling of the Clinton email investigation to losing the confidence of the FBI. This inconsistency has significantly damaged the credibility of the explanations provided by the administration.
4. **Internal Reactions**: Panelists discuss the reactions among Trump's advisers and senior officials at the time. Notably, the atmosphere at Trump’s golf club during the firing—characterized by a sense of agitation and strategic discussions—illustrates the chaotic nature of the decision-making process.
### Experts Weigh In
The discussion features insights from legal experts and commentators who reflect on the implications of the revelations:
- **Legal Scrutiny**: The uncertainty around Rosenstein's role and whether he was complicit or simply a scapegoat adds layers of complexity to potential legal ramifications stemming from the firing, particularly in regard to obstruction of justice.
- **Political Fallout**: The evolving rationale for the firing and the chaotic internal communications are likely to affect how history views Trump's presidency and decision-making processes.
This episode not only delves into the specifics of the Comey firing but also holds up a mirror to the broader political landscape of the Trump administration—illustrating the intertwining of personal vendettas, legal challenges, and the pursuit of power.
### Community Thoughts
What do you all think about these latest revelations regarding Trump's decision-making process? Do you believe this will have lasting implications for ongoing investigations? Share your insights or similar experiences below!
