New Windows Update Alerts in Microsoft Intune: Enhance Device Management

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According to a recent article from the Microsoft Tech Community, titled "New Alerts for Windows Updates in Microsoft Intune," published on September 18, 2024, Microsoft has introduced two significant alerts aimed at enhancing the visibility and troubleshooting capabilities related to Windows update deployment progress within the Microsoft Intune environment. This development comes as part of an ongoing effort to refine how organizations monitor device compliance and update statuses.


The challenges of managing software updates across various devices can often lead to significant headaches for IT administrators. It's not uncommon for devices to appear offline or to exhibit incorrect statuses in reports, which can obscure the actual state of updates and potentially leave security vulnerabilities unchecked. To address these concerns, the introduction of alerts for diagnostic data not received and minimum OS build requirements marks a key step towards improving the overall effectiveness of Windows update management via Intune.

Technical Details​

The two new alerts introduced are:
  1. DeviceDiagnosticDataNotReceived: This alert identifies devices that fail to send diagnostic data back to Microsoft. Without this data, the devices cannot accurately represent their status in updates, leading to potential misinformation about their readiness for updates. Reasons for this could include misconfigurations or inactive devices.
  2. MinimumOSBuildNotMet: This alert pinpoints devices that do not meet the specified minimum OS build requirements necessary for enrollment in update reporting. Specifically, to qualify for reports, devices must have the January 2023 non-security update or any subsequent cumulative update installed.
The alerts complement an existing alert, InsufficientUpdateConnectivity, which has been around but does not provide as tailored information as the new ones. These three alerts work together, but their appearances are mutually exclusive: if one is active, the other two will not show for that device.


These updates provide IT administrators the tools necessary to better monitor and troubleshoot potential issues that devices may experience during the update installment process. This flexibility is advantageous for organizations of all sizes, ranging from small businesses to large enterprises.
Here’s how these changes can impact Windows users and system administrators:
  • Enhanced Visibility: With clearer alerts corresponding to specific issues, administrators can more quickly determine why devices are not updating. This immediate feedback mechanism promotes a more proactive approach to device management.
  • Improved Compliance: These alerts work in conjunction with compliance management strategies, making it easier for organizations to ensure devices are kept up to date, thereby reducing potential vulnerabilities and compliance risks.
  • Streamlined Troubleshooting: By identifying problems such as misconfigurations or disconnected devices, administrators can efficiently remediate issues. This saves time and ensures that devices remain in optimal working condition.

Historical Context​

The introduction of these alerts represents a continuation of Microsoft's recursive improvements to its Intune and Windows Update services. Over the years, Microsoft has continuously sought feedback from IT professionals to make its tools more user-friendly and effective. Innovations such as the Azure Workbooks, which allow for better data visualization and reporting on device management, complement the functionality of the new alerts.

Expert Commentary​

Looking at this from a broader perspective, one can't overlook the implications for cybersecurity and overall IT governance. As digital threats become increasingly sophisticated, ensuring devices are up-to-date with the latest security patches is paramount. Alerts like DeviceDiagnosticDataNotReceived and MinimumOSBuildNotMet not only streamline the update process but also help organizations tighten their security framework and minimize vulnerabilities stemming from outdated software.
Cybersecurity experts often stress the importance of visibility and actionable insights into system statuses. With these new alerts, organizations are better positioned to combat both internal configuration issues and external threats. Failure to keep systems updated isn't just an operational risk; it's an existential one in today's cybersecurity landscape.


The recent updates from Microsoft on Windows updates in Intune signify a strategic enhancement, offering IT administrators critical insights through new alerts for diagnostic data and OS build compliance. This is ultimately designed to streamline reporting and troubleshooting, enabling organizations to maintain better control of their device management strategies.
With today's complex tech ecosystem and the ever-growing impact of cybersecurity, the introduction of these alerts is a commendable move in the right direction, allowing Windows users to navigate their update needs with greater confidence and efficiency.
For those responsible for Windows device management, leveraging these alerts will not only simplify processes but ensure their security posture remains strong. Whether managing a small fleet of devices or thousands, the capabilities provided by these updates are a powerful addition to any organization’s IT toolkit.
Source: Microsoft Announcements New alerts for Windows updates in Microsoft Intune