VIDEO Nov. Surprise: Trump’s Own Lawyer Exposes His 'Racist Language' | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Nov. Surprise: Trump’s Own Lawyer Exposes His 'Racist Language' | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC In a compelling segment on MSNBC's The Beat with Ari Melber, Michael Cohen, former attorney and fixer for Donald Trump, revealed shocking insights into Trump's alleged use of "repeatedly racist" language, raising eyebrows as the midterm elections approached. Cohen's claims not only serve to cast doubt on Trump's public persona but also aim to inform voters about his private rhetoric before they head to the polls .

Key Highlights from the Broadcast​

  1. Cohen's Allegations: Cohen recounted instances in which Trump reportedly used racially charged language, including discussing why his rally attendees were predominantly white. Trump's alleged comment that “black people are too stupid to vote for me” stood out as particularly egregious .
  2. Media Dynamics: The timing of Cohen's revelations was critiqued as a strategic move in line with Trump's media tactics. Just before the elections, Cohen’s leaks were seen as an attempt to sway public perception and voter decisions .
  3. Reactions from Experts: Guests on the show, including Donny Deutsch and Rev. Al Sharpton, weighed in on the implications of Cohen's statements. They emphasized that Trump's prior behavior, especially around issues of race, aligns with Cohen's revelations. This suggests a pattern of racist attitudes rather than isolated incidents .
  4. Cultural Context: The discussion also highlighted the broader sociopolitical landscape, with claims asserting that Trump's rhetoric contributes to a climate of hate and division. This mirrors how many in the African American community view Trump's presidency and policies .
  5. Impact on Voter Sentiment: The panel discussed whether these allegations would influence voters in the upcoming elections. With early voting trends showing significant turnout among young and diverse electorates, there's speculation that this latest scandal could either galvanize anti-Trump sentiments or further solidify his supporters . As we consider the implications of Cohen's revelations on the current political climate, it would be interesting to explore how similar situations have impacted previous elections and whether they resonate with the voting public today.

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    What are your thoughts on Cohen's revelations? Do you think they will have a significant impact on voter sentiment as the midterms approach? Share your insights and experiences below!