VIDEO Nunes "Blockbuster" FISA Memo a Lie-Riddled Nothing-Burger


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Nunes "Blockbuster" FISA Memo a Lie-Riddled Nothing-Burger
In this engaging and analytical video titled "Nunes 'Blockbuster' FISA Memo a Lie-Riddled Nothing-Burger", political commentator David Pakman discusses the much-anticipated memo written by Republican Congressman Devin Nunes. It was widely promoted as a crucial document purportedly revealing serious misconduct by the FBI in relation to the FISA—Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act—application process concerning Donald Trump's campaign associate, Carter Page.
### Overview
Pakman begins by addressing the release of the memo, which had been anticipated to significantly undermine the investigation into Trump's alleged connections with Russia. However, he emphasizes that the memo lacks substantive evidence and ultimately amounts to what he calls a "nothing burger." His sentiments reflect a broader skepticism about the validity of Nunes' assertions.
### Key Points
1. Lack of Impact: Pakman points out that despite the memo being marketed as a major development, it has not delivered the devastating blow to the investigation that its proponents suggested. Instead, it appears to have had minimal impact on the overall narrative regarding the investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
2. Stock Market Reactions: The timing of the memo's release coincided with a significant downturn in the stock market, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropping 666 points, which Pakman notes highlights the chaotic implications of the political environment rather than any concrete outcomes from the memo.
3. Allegations by Nunes: The memo claims that the infamous Steele dossier was instrumental in securing FISA warrants against Page. However, Pakman argues that Nunes fails to furnish evidence to support this claim. Furthermore, he states that even if true, the significance of this fact is minimal given that the dossier's contents have been largely corroborated by subsequent investigations.
4. Questionable Assertions: Pakman critically examines the assertion that FBI officials were aware of the political origins of the Steele dossier but failed to disclose this information in applications for FISA warrants. He points out that Nunes himself did not have access to the intelligence documents to support the claims made in the memo.
5. Misinformation and Misrepresentation: Pakman notably takes issue with statements made by Nunes regarding then-FBI Director James Comey's 2017 testimonies. He argues that Nunes mischaracterizes Comey's statements about the dossier, calling into question the credibility of the memo as a whole.
### Conclusion
Pakman concludes that the memo has not only failed to discredit Mueller's investigation but has instead reinforced the legitimacy of the FBI's actions. He invites viewers to reflect on the ongoing implications of the memo and the broader context of political discourse related to the investigation.
This discussion is a vital addition to the ongoing conversation regarding the Trump-Russia investigation and highlights the need for clear, factual discourse in political analysis.
What are your thoughts on the current state of the investigation? Do you believe the Nunes memo had any significant impact? Let's hear your opinions below!
