VIDEO NY Times reporter responds to Trump's story denial


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

NY Times reporter responds to Trump's story denial
In a revealing segment on Fox News, a New York Times journalist discusses the bombshell findings of a comprehensive investigation that unveiled significant claims against Donald Trump and his family's financial practices. This investigation, which spanned 18 months, asserts that Trump and his associates participated in dubious tax schemes and potentially engaged in outright fraud to build their wealth .
### Key Findings of the Investigation
The investigation meticulously analyzed over 100,000 pages of financial documents including tax returns and bank statements, which led to alarming conclusions. Among the key revelations:
1. Tax Avoidance Strategies: It was disclosed that Trump's father, Fred Trump, used a sham company to funnel tax-free money to his children. By reporting properties' values far below market rates, the Trump family significantly reduced their tax obligations.
2. Misleading Claims of Wealth: Trump's narrative of being a self-made billionaire comes under scrutiny. Instead of a mere million-dollar loan as claimed, the Times revealed that Fred Trump provided Donald with more than $60 million over the years when adjusted for inflation.
3. Financial Lifelines: Throughout his career, Donald Trump relied heavily on his father's financial support, indicating a pattern where Fred Trump continuously found ways to bail his son out of financial troubles, often through questionable means.
4. Ongoing Investigations: Following the report's publication, New York tax officials announced they would look into the allegations, possibly initiating a formal investigation based on the claims of tax fraud and evasion.
5. Response from Trump: The President dismissed the Times report as a "boring hit piece" and vehemently claimed the allegations were false and defamatory .
### Context and Implications
The findings challenge long-standing narratives about Trump's business acumen and his claims of self-reliance. Furthermore, this investigation could have significant legal ramifications, potentially spurring greater scrutiny from tax authorities. As the story develops, community members here on might consider discussing its potential impact on Trump's political capital and implications for current business practices in the real estate sector.
What are your thoughts on the investigation? Do you think it will affect Trump's future endeavors either in business or politics? Share your insights below!
