I want to upgrade from my current build to 7057, will this wipe the files/programs I've installed, or does it just install over this build keeps all that stuff?
Although upgrading CAN be a good, I still say clean install is the way to go.. ESPECIALLY when your going from one BETA build to another BETA build.. by doing a clean install rather than an upgrade it gives you more of a gaurantee that you won't run into problems... Not to mention a clean install of Windows 7 SHOULD only take about 18-20 minutes on fairly modern hardware.. whereas an upgrade can take 25-45 minutes.. To each his own of course.. this is just a suggestion... By doing the clean install you will have to reinstall all your apps but hey that's the price ya pay to have a fresh install (which as I stated is the better way to go anyway in my opinion)...
If you don't mind my asking, why would you want to upgrade to another daily/interim build? I'd suggest just waiting for the RC to be released, there aren't any drastic changes from build 7000 to 7057 to be honest, and it's not like using a daily build is going to give you some kind of edge over those using build 7000... In my opinion it's more hassle than it's worth to keep upgrading/clean installing all these daily builds.. Windows 7 Build 7000 is what all beta testers should be using.. as the daily builds aren't ment to be released to the public and aren't ment to be picked apart either...
I am currently using build 7000 32 bit and 64 bit and although I would like to try all the builds after 7000 I haven't simply because like I said before, there's really no point.. if the build you have installed now works fine than why mess with it and upgrade to a daily build instead of waiting for the RC?..