
Essential Member
Jan 26, 2009
There's a site that gives out free shareware programs (the majority of them suck), but today they're giving away Paragon Partition Manager 2009.

The Special Edition has some features stripped out of it and it states the Personal versions works with Windows 7.

I've installed 50+ applications that didn't include Windows 7, but they're working fine.

I'm, going to install this on my machine and will post back with the results.

For those who are dual-booting, this certainly will work with any other OS.

There's also a link on the site for Link Removed - Invalid URL

You only have 19 hours to download and install it

It runs on Windows 7.

The Good:
I was able to make a backup
Recover Media Builder worked fine
Can create Linux partitions

The Bad:
I then tried a new partition on my main drive. I had to restart for it to continue. I did and ended up in a loop, restarting started the DOS program before Windows starts up and took me back to the same screen. I then selected the Free Space and formatted it NTFS. Now on startup, NTLDR is missing..

Maybe it was my fault or this particular function doesn't work with Windows 7. Yes, it was my fault as I assigned the wrong drive letter

At this point, I'd only recommend that XP or Vista users download and install the program

Credit to
Another freebie is Link Removed
You can view the details here:
Link Removed - Invalid URL

Again, this program requires your email for Activation. The license is only good for 1 year however.
Just go to the main website and download the trial version, use the key sent by email and it's now the full unrestricted version
Another Full License:
ConceptDraw Professional 7
View Details Here:

Link Removed due to 404 Error

Download Concept Draw 7 Pro from :
Link Removed - Invalid URL

Free to try; $299.00 to buy

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Appreciate you're response:

I got the link to the Partition wizard, question: 1. should I use the home ver. 4.2 or 2. the "bootable" version.
She just got the notebook on Monday so, I've asked her not to install anything till I can "fix" the partition. Hopefully (since there's very little data on it) it shouldn't take too long.

Any instructions would be greatly appreciated !!!

I would use home version 4.2 but only if windows disk manager wouldn't work for some reason .......

first job is backup all your data !!

then to use windows disk manager for your purpose simply right click my computer\manage then select Disk Management you can then delete the partition which is currently D: then you should have the...
paragon error

An error pops up when I use paragon

At last, I used easeus partition master free and solved this problem.

This program $$$$ed up 3 of my hard drives
Fist it did not finish resizing after 2 hours so i canceled and lost my 500GB data
I had to reformat to access that HDD
2nd same thing with resizing other hdd's both failed both needs to be reformated
DATA recovery impossible unless formated
Formated=total loss

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I wish "partition magic" would be supported by windows 7. Partition magic was the best partitioner ever made by human race.
Resizing would take you seconds and files would be moved only if they have to be moved and not all of them. Unlike any other partitioner, if you resize by 1KB you would have to move whole Hard Drive DATA 1 KB away from that :( (depending which side you resize)
BLOWZ :mad:

I wish "partition magic" would be supported by windows 7. Partition magic was the best partitioner ever made by human race.
Resizing would take you seconds and files would be moved only if they have to be moved and not all of them. Unlike any other partitioner, if you resize by 1KB you would have to move whole Hard Drive DATA 1 KB away from that :( (depending which side you resize)
BLOWZ :mad:

Does anyone know of a prog what will work w/ win7 64bit ?
I just purchased my g/f a new Asus notebook w/ a 320Gb hdd and the thing is partitioned in to two drives w/ the primary being 74Gb and the rest on a second (Drive D:) partition. I'd like to make the whole thing one big partiton w/o having to re-install win7.

Does anyone know of a prog what will work w/ win7 64bit ?
I just purchased my g/f a new Asus notebook w/ a 320Gb hdd and the thing is partitioned in to two drives w/ the primary being 74Gb and the rest on a second (Drive D:) partition. I'd like to make the whole thing one big partiton w/o having to re-install win7.

I personally use Partition Wizard works great for me :cool:

I have to mention that having two partitions like you describe is the best way to protect and preserve your data

when your Operating System falls over or becomes corrupted beyond repair or infested with a virus or you simply move on to the next thing you can simply install onto that primary partition and your data remains untouched in the second partition ............

If you open your user folder you can simply redirect all of your folders onto the data partition and then anything you save such as your music and pictures and documents will always go to that data partition :D

If you decide to try this post back for instructions :)

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Easeus Partition Master Pro 4.0
Works like a charm :)
To bad all partitioners made for Windows 7 when resizing partition also moving all files which takes a while if u have your drive full of stuff.
I was resizing my 500GB HDD with 300GB used space. Took me 1.5 hour, buts its better then nothing.

I personally use Partition Wizard works great for me :cool:

I have to mention that having two partitions like you describe is the best way to protect and preserve your data

when your Operating System falls over or becomes corrupted beyond repair or infested with a virus or you simply move on to the next thing you can simply install onto that primary partition and your data remains untouched in the second partition ............

If you open your user folder you can simply redirect all of your folders onto the data partition and then anything you save such as your music and pictures and documents will always go to that data partition :D

If you decide to try this post back for instructions

Appreciate you're response:

My g/f is an accountant and most of her programs are proprietary. I understand you're point on having a second partition but, in her case most of the programs only give you the option to save to a specific folder on the C: drive. So, the larger the C: drive the better. Additionally: with the low price of hdd's, usually once I have all of my drivers and prog's installed I just clone the original, put it in a safe place and just back up the daily data. That way in case of a total disaster you're back up and running in a matter of minutes.

I suppose she could save the data to the C: drive then move it to a saved folder on the D: drive but, then she'd have to move it back to the C: drive to be read again. That = g/f not happy (and we all know the repercussions of that). :(

I got the link to the Partition wizard, question: 1. should I use the home ver. 4.2 or 2. the "bootable" version.
She just got the notebook on Monday so, I've asked her not to install anything till I can "fix" the partition. Hopefully (since there's very little data on it) it shouldn't take too long.

I'm still running win7 RC on both my home and laptops and have never had to deal w/ any partition issues since I just allocated the whole disk. I would assume if all goes south I could re-install Win7 on her notebook (praise Asus for including a re-install disk) and format the Hdd and just allocate the whole thing. But, I'd like to try to re-size the partition for educational purposes (and of course to make her happy). :cool:

Any instructions would be greatly appreciated !!!

Appreciate you're response:

I got the link to the Partition wizard, question: 1. should I use the home ver. 4.2 or 2. the "bootable" version.
She just got the notebook on Monday so, I've asked her not to install anything till I can "fix" the partition. Hopefully (since there's very little data on it) it shouldn't take too long.

Any instructions would be greatly appreciated !!!

I would use home version 4.2 but only if windows disk manager wouldn't work for some reason .......

first job is backup all your data !!

then to use windows disk manager for your purpose simply right click my computer\manage then select Disk Management you can then delete the partition which is currently D: then you should have the option to extend C: following the prompts ..........

If you want to use partition wizard the process is similar only when you click apply it will start it's process then ask you to reeboot to complete which then simply does the partition and data move to expand C: at a dos level before entering windows ..........

let us know if you try it how this worked for you ?

I would use home version 4.2 but only if windows disk manager wouldn't work for some reason .......

first job is backup all your data !!

then to use windows disk manager for your purpose simply right click my computer\manage then select Disk Management you can then delete the partition which is currently D: then you should have the option to extend C: following the prompts ..........

If you want to use partition wizard the process is similar only when you click apply it will start it's process then ask you to reeboot to complete which then simply does the partition and data move to expand C: at a dos level before entering windows ..........

let us know if you try it how this worked for you ?

Great tips: computer/ manage > works great. Don't have access to my g/f's notebook this weekend. But, I tried that on my notebook and looks exactly like what I need. I didn't even know you could access it that way. I was still using the "MMC" command. And yeah, I'd much rather do it through windows and not have to use 3rd party software. I'll do it as soon as I have access to it (sounds so simple a caveman could do it).

Thanks again for all of you're insight and assistance. You've given me some great tips and I'm sure it'll work. I'll post back as soon as I get a chance to / let you know the outcome.

N.B. you may have to delete twice you will notice you delete a volume, then you delete a partition, you will know this if after the first deletion the option to extend C: is greyed out :confused:

N.B. you may have to delete twice you will notice you delete a volume, then you delete a partition, you will know this if after the first deletion the option to extend C: is greyed out

Deleting volume is not required, if the "Extend Volume" is greyed out, I thought this can use 3td tool to extend the volume, like free Partition Assistant.
