VIDEO Paul Ryan Contradicts Trump, Says Special Prosecutor Is Not A Partisan Hack


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Paul Ryan Contradicts Trump, Says Special Prosecutor Is Not A Partisan Hack
On a pivotal weekend in American politics, House Speaker Paul Ryan publicly contradicted President Donald Trump's derogatory claims about special prosecutor Robert Mueller. In recent days, Trump has been vocally attacking Mueller, attempting to undermine the investigation scrutinizing the Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia. Trump labeled Mueller as a partisan "hack," insinuating that his efforts are politically motivated to derail Trump's presidency.
However, Ryan stood firm in defense of Mueller, stating, "No, Bob Mueller is not a partisan hack. In fact, he is a Republican whom we all respect." This statement marks a significant moment, reflecting a possible schism within the Republican Party regarding support for the president and the ongoing investigation.
Ryan emphasized Mueller’s credentials and allegiance, highlighting that Mueller was appointed by a Republican and has always been a loyal member of the party. By doing so, Ryan could be subtly preparing Republican constituents and lawmakers for the potential need for impeachment proceedings. His shift towards supporting Mueller may indicate a larger strategy to fortify the Republican Party's stance should evidence arise that implicates Trump in serious wrongdoing.
This moment is particularly critical as it signals that even influential Republicans are willing to put party loyalty aside to uphold the integrity of the investigation. In the face of Trump’s continuous attacks on figures like Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Ryan's statements suggest a growing understanding of the potential repercussions of Trump's actions on their party's future.
As this political saga unfolds, where do you think the Republican Party is headed? Will more GOP leaders openly defend Mueller, or will they continue to rally around Trump? Feel free to share your insights or related experiences!
