VIDEO Pharma Prices Continue To Skyrocket & Bipartisan Bill Targets Online Counterfeiters


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
🇬🇧 :rolleyes:

Pharma Prices Continue To Skyrocket & Bipartisan Bill Targets Online Counterfeiters

In a thought-provoking discussion on rising pharmaceutical costs and legislative efforts against online counterfeiting, the video from "America's Lawyer" reveals alarming trends in drug pricing. Over the past decade, prescription drug prices have surged significantly—three times faster than the general inflation rate. This increase paints a dire picture for consumers who continue to face exorbitant costs.

### Key Takeaways:
1. Dramatic Price Increases: The discussion highlights a staggering 159% increase in drug costs compared to inflation. In some cases, consumers face markups as high as 20,000%. These statistics might seem exaggerated, yet they reflect the harsh realities documented in various reports.

2. Bipartisan Issues: The failure to address these increasing drug prices isn't limited to one political party. The video points out instances where both Democratic and Republican lawmakers have obstructed efforts to allow for cheaper drug imports from countries like Canada. This bipartisan negligence exacerbates the issue of skyrocketing pharmaceutical prices.

3. Counterfeit Concerns: The conversation also touches on a new bipartisan bill aimed at holding major online retailers accountable for selling counterfeit products, including life-critical drugs. The presenters argue that while addressing counterfeiting is important, it distracts from more pressing issues such as online data privacy abuses and human trafficking, which congress has largely overlooked.

4. Call for Regulation: The need for a dedicated governmental agency to regulate internet activities is presented as a potential solution to the chaos facilitated by current online marketplaces. The discussion emphasizes that legislation should focus not only on protecting corporations but also on consumer safety and rights.

### Conclusion

The video raises significant concerns about the intersection of healthcare affordability and online safety. With the current trends showing minimal signs of improvement, it's critical for consumers, lawmakers, and advocates to remain vigilant and engage in discussions that propel these issues toward resolution.

What are your thoughts on the current state of pharmaceutical pricing? Do you believe the proposed legislation will have any real impact, or are these efforts simply smoke and mirrors? Let's discuss!
