Windows 7 Pink Vertical Line.... uh oh..


New Member
Jan 10, 2009
So randomly today a nice vertical pink line appeared on my screen. My laptop is about 4 years old, and still under warranty.. Is this an old hardware issue? Or could windows 7 be messing with my video card??

I know it...

So randomly today a nice vertical pink line appeared on my screen. My laptop is about 4 years old, and still under warranty.. Is this an old hardware issue? Or could windows 7 be messing with my video card??

Man, I'll tell you what's that line: it is a LCD issue. It's not W7 fault.... If you make some moves with your LAC you'll see that in some positions it disappears. There's just 2 ways to fix it:

1- Open the LCD screen of you laptop and try to discover where is the problem. It can be easy to fix, or not. :(

2- Bad lucky... change the LCD... :eek:

Well, my old warrior is a Acer Aspire 3000, and I got this line, but mine was red. I tryed to live with it but I was getting mad. I opened my laptop screen...
I doubt that is a W7 issue.
It sounds like you have a video or memory issue - as in, hardware.

Are you dual-booting? And if so, is the problem showing up in both OS's?

I know it...

So randomly today a nice vertical pink line appeared on my screen. My laptop is about 4 years old, and still under warranty.. Is this an old hardware issue? Or could windows 7 be messing with my video card??

Man, I'll tell you what's that line: it is a LCD issue. It's not W7 fault.... If you make some moves with your LAC you'll see that in some positions it disappears. There's just 2 ways to fix it:

1- Open the LCD screen of you laptop and try to discover where is the problem. It can be easy to fix, or not. :(

2- Bad lucky... change the LCD... :eek:

Well, my old warrior is a Acer Aspire 3000, and I got this line, but mine was red. I tryed to live with it but I was getting mad. I opened my laptop screen and lost some time moving the screen all possible ways. I found the problem, that was in a kind of "plastic paper" (I didn't find a better way to say what's that) that was in a wrong position. Just putted something to keep the plastic paper in a position that don't shows the line and eureka!! It worked!
That was 1 year ago... now, the red line is back, and sometimes with a blue line friend, sometimes with a green line friend. I will open it again to do a better work on it.
