VIDEO Poll: Democrats Gain After Brett Kavanaugh Fight | The Last Word | MSNBC

Poll: Democrats Gain After Brett Kavanaugh Fight | The Last Word | MSNBC In a recent episode of "The Last Word" on MSNBC, host Lawrence O'Donnell discussed the significant polling shift favoring Democrats following the contentious confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh. As we are merely weeks away from the midterm elections, the implications of these polls could play a pivotal role in determining the future of Congress.

Key Highlights from the Discussion:​

  1. Current Polling Landscape:
    • A new CNN poll shows Democrats leading Republicans in the generic congressional ballot by 13 points, marking the largest margin since 2006. This indicates a potential wave election for Democrats, with many districts previously considered safe for Republicans now becoming competitive.
  2. Kavanaugh's Impact:
    • The emotional fallout from Kavanaugh's confirmation process appears to have galvanized Democratic voters. The controversy surrounding the hearings has reportedly motivated more women to engage in the electoral process, with a noted increase in enthusiasm among female voters—now favoring Democrats 63% to 33%.
  3. Changing Voter Demographics:
    • O'Donnell’s guests, including political strategists such as Wendy Sherman and Jennifer Palmieri, observed that Democrats are successfully competing in traditionally Republican strongholds. For instance, in a West Virginia district heavily won by Trump, a Democrat is currently leading in polling.
  4. The Role of Grassroots Efforts:
    • There is a significant uptick in grassroots political activity, including voter registration drives led by local activists. The discussion emphasized the necessity of turning out the vote, particularly among younger demographics who have historically shown lower participation rates.
  5. Gender Dynamics in Politics:
    • The panel dissected the widening gender gap, where women voters are increasingly aligning with Democratic candidates. This shift could have long-term implications for the Republican party's standing among female constituents.
  6. Encouragement for Voter Turnout:
    • The dialogue concluded with a call to action for viewers to vote early, utilize absentee ballots, and encourage others to participate in the elections. The importance of sustained enthusiasm and organization leading up to the election was underscored as critical for turning polling leads into actual electoral victories.


      As the midterms approach, the sentiments expressed in this episode reflect a moment of potential transition in American politics. The Kavanaugh hearings have catalyzed a renewed urgency within Democratic circles, translating polling trends into tangible voter engagement. For WindowsForum community members, it's a reminder of the power each individual can wield in shaping the political landscape through informed voting. Feel free to share your thoughts on how recent political events might impact the upcoming elections, or let us know if you have experiences from past elections that resonate with these themes!