Windows 7 Power Plan information isn't available


New Member
Hey all, Im having this problem. My power plan i have set for my computer to go to sleep at 30 minutes. Well it works fine, then after a few days it stops going to sleep. When I check my power plan it tells me power plan information isn't available and wont let me change it. Ok, well I tried a system restore and it started back working properly. Then again after a few days it stopped again. Figured it was updates so turned off auto updates and still same thing. Cannot figure this one out. Anyone else had this problem????
For error message Power Plan Information is not available - Here's an easy fix that avoids having to go into the Registry and create new values:

Start Button

Locate cmd.exe

Right click on cmd.exe and select Run as Administrator

At the command prompt enter the following (the space between the two commands, and the minus sign before the second one):

PowerCfg -RestoreDefaultSchemes


Your Power Options should now be restored to their original default settings.
</sigh> Well, the approach I described yesterday worked. Yesterday. I was able to edit and save my power plan schemes. But today they're gone again, and running through this procedure did not restore them this time. Guess it's time to dig into the Registry. Sorry about that, Chief.