
Honorable Member
May 29, 2009
I need to order a new power supply for one of my computers, and I have a pretty good idea of what to look for, except in one respect...brand. I ask this question because of problems I've had in the past with two well known brands...Antec and Gigabyte, which I don't want to repeat anything similar with.

I'm familiar with the major brands, at least by name, but is there one in particular that stands out from the others in ~750 watt modular unit? Anything new that has come out in the last 3-4 years that I should know about.
The only way to physically check is to get a known good working PSU...check it with the tester to verify the tester works. Then install the known good working PSU into your system to see if it boots up. If both check out, then you'll know it's your PSU.
I think that I fixed it. I re-connected the 4 pin section of the ATX cable, while leaving the 20 pin section alone, and for some reason it now turns on and off as it should. I hope that it doesn't decide to do something else.
No, that is not what I said. The word that I used was RE-CONNECTED, not connected. I simply unplugged it and then plugged in back in again.
One would think that, but I plugged and replugged it so many times that it couldn't have just been a loose connection...unless the cable had a broken wire in it, but if so I can't reproduce the problem now.