
New Member
Feb 3, 2010
Hi All,

ik heb een XP machine met de printer er aan een HP Officejet 5610, ik heb net Windows 7 op mijn pc geinstalleerd en ik zie de XP computer, ik kan in de folders en ik zie de printer op de xp.
als ik de printer wil kiezen om zo te printen krijg ik de melding kan geen verbinding maken met de printer verbinding geweigerd.
Ik heb op de W7 de drivers van de HP geinstalleerd, op de XP staat de printer shared en de fire wall uit en het lukt niet.
de oude vista truc met handmatig lokal port en dan zelf netwerk adres \\\\name xppc\\printername werkt ook niet.
graag jullie advies want dit is behoorlijk iritant, ben nu al een paar uur bezig.



Written in Dutch

Printer on XP via network access denied.
Hi All,

I have an XP machine with the printer is a HP Officejet 5610, I just installed Windows 7 on my PC and I see the XP computer, I can in the folders and I see the printer on the xp.
if I would choose the printer to print as I get the message can not connect to the printer connection refused.
I'm on the W7 installed the drivers from the HP, the printer on the XP is shared and the fire wall, and I can not.
The old trick with vista manually lokal port and network address yourself \ \ \ \ xppc name \ \ printer name is not.
like your opinion because this is pretty Iritant, am now a busy few hours.



You need the Windows 7 drivers for the HP...​
Written in Dutch

Printer on XP via network access denied.
Hi All,

I have an XP machine with the printer is a HP Officejet 5610, I just installed Windows 7 on my PC and I see the XP computer, I can in the folders and I see the printer on the xp.
if I would choose the printer to print as I get the message can not connect to the printer connection refused.
I'm on the W7 installed the drivers from the HP, the printer on the XP is shared and the fire wall, and I can not.
The old trick with vista manually lokal port and network address yourself \ \ \ \ xppc name \ \ printer name is not.
like your opinion because this is pretty Iritant, am now a busy few hours.



You need the Windows 7 drivers for the HP Officejet 5610 on the Windows 7 machine. Go to their website, download the drivers, and then try connecting. This is primarily an English forum, just for your knowledge, and it will be hard for people to reply to if you write in Dutch.

(In case you do not speak English I will make an attempt at translation):

U hebt de Windows 7 drivers voor de HP Officejet 5610 op de Windows 7-machine. Ga naar hun website, download de drivers, en probeer verbinding. Dit is voornamelijk een Engels forum, alleen voor uw kennis, en het zal moeilijk zijn voor mensen om te antwoorden op als je schrijven in het Nederlands.

in english

Hi Mike,

I have a XP machine with the HP Officejet 5610 connected to it. through the network I try to connect with my W7. I can see the pc, I can access the shared folder, I can see the HP officejet. Once I go to add printr W7 finds it, I can sellect it and then it says no acces allowed.

I have the firewall on the XP off. I tried the manual way lokal printer and type location etc etc no work.

I downloaded the HP driver on the W7 and still it does not work. tried it agian witht he select printer after reboot again id does not work.

Any sugestions.
I have a dubbel boot on this W7 pc on Vista it works.

I got it!!!!!!!

I tried it again and now it worked, manual ofcourse!!!! WINDOWS MICROSOFT, It keeps a mystery!

I am happy do.

thanks for the help

