You are not alone. Windows updates in recent months have totally crapped up many computers I am aware of, including my own.
The UAC pop-ups on every program were a last straw for me. Couldn't figure out a way around it and no user settings (administrator privileges) or program privilege settings worked to prevent them. I finally set up the special administrator account and use it as my normal account. It is high risk because it could potentially give malware administrative rights to totally screw with your computer, but I was too fed up with dealing with the endless UAC prompts and tired of being denied access to my own computer. This is essentially a "super administrator" account that has full and absolute rights and privileges to everything and all other accounts. I won't specify here how to do it. If anyone else is crazy enough to do it, do your own research and heed all of the warnings. If someone knows how to correct the UAC pop-ups, I would love to hear it.
I also encountered the problems with Outlook 2007 (failing to recognize archived PST files, inability to manage PST files from within Outlook, plus other problems). I tried every available resource and could not prevent Outlook from frequently crashing. Every time it wrote to the PST file, the file became corrupted, and calendar appointments constantly crashed the program. I researched it from one end of the Internet to the other. The symptoms were common, the potential causes many, and none of the fixes worked. I even uninstalled Outlook, did a clean install, and skipped updates from the time problems first began. Nothing helped. It's like Outlook 2007 has a fundamental incompatibility with Windows 7 as currently updated.
I finally gave up on it and moved to Thunderbird (with Lightning for the calendar). I have been pleasantly surprised. So far, I have not found any Outlook function that is not replicated in Thunderbird. There are a few layout things that are not as convenient, but probably better practice, and some nice features that Outlook didn't have. The account setup wizards are fantastic. So far (several weeks), not a single error or problem. It is also just as fast, maybe faster.
If you are going to export your Outlook files for import into Thunderbird, leave out any recurring events and just recreate them in Thunderbird.. They were one of the things that were screwed up in Outlook, so I don't know if that was the source of the problem, but these didn't export as recurring events. Outlook wrote them as individual events (hundreds of them, which I had to filter and delete in Thunderbird).
Regarding your .NET Framework question--That looks OK.
Your PDF listing shows a lot of failed updates. That's typical when you have so many. Often, they must be installed in a certain order, which would have happened if they had been done timely, as they arrived. The failed ones should re-appear in the pending updates list. Just keep running updates and it will clear itself out.