Windows 7 Problems Editing Video Files in Windows 7?


I have been able to edit over 100 video files on my computer in windows media player it is kind of outta the way but here is how to resolve this issue!

  • Click the Start button Link Removed due to 404 Error, click All Programs, and then click Windows Media Player.
    If the Player is currently open and you’re in Now Playing mode, click the Switch to Library button Link Removed due to 404 Error in the upper-right corner of the Player.
  • In the Player Library, click the View options button Link Removed due to 404 Error, and then click details
  • In the Player Library, right-click the item title, artist name, or other media information attribute, and then click Edit. If you want to make the same attribute change for several items, you can save time by selecting the group of items before you right-click the attribute. To select multiple adjacent items, press and hold the Shift key while making your selection. To select non-adjacent items, press and hold the Ctrl key while making your selection.
  • Type the information that you want to add or fix, and then press Enter.
    The information is added to the Player Library. After some time (which varies depending on how many changes you have made and whether the Player is performing other actions), the information is also added to the file. To force the Player to update the file immediately, click Organize, and then click Apply media information changes.
This information was found at Add or edit media information in Windows Media Player
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