Windows 7 Problems getting into Windows 7 Installation GUI


New Member
May 15, 2009
Hi all i'm new to this forum, and I'm having serious problems installing Windows 7!!

When I restart my computer to boot from the dvd I "Press any key to boot from DVD or CD" but then i just am left at a blank screen....i've let it sit for 10 minuiets with no luck. The CD-ROM drive stops like its done loading...

I've got my ISO burned to a DVD, I have tryed running the dvd on a virtual PC and it is able to boot just fine, and install off of it. Makes me think its a video card problem??

I'm running a nVidia GeForce 6200

Tryed the same disk on my buddy's PC and it works just fine.

Would it be a graphics issue or a monitor issue? I am using a pretty old CRT

man i bet it is because of your old monitor....don't hold me to it but that would be the first thing i would check.....hope it helps.

I am using a 22" LCD Monitor now, I bought this a couple days ago.

Still the same problem.

I Had a similar issue with my G-Card. I updated my BIOS with the latest updates for my mother board.
I was then able to install Win 7 with no problems!
