Windows 7 Program Request


New Member
Jul 30, 2010
i found a way to edit the bootres.dll

AKA the Windows 7 boot flag

modifing the bootres creates a [data-1] partition in the dll

this contains info saying that the certificate is NOT VALID anymore

i hex edited out this data contained in the partition

but the partition remains there empty but still there

i think if i could delete this partition completely it would work

does anyone know how to make this happen or have any ideas on how to do this?

i WANT to hack the file i want to remove a specific table from the dll

i DONT want to rund system file checker

im not a retarted noob that ****ed **** up

im trying to hack damn!
i WANT to hack the file i want to remove a specific table from the dll

Which changes the file's checksum/hashcode, invalidating the security certificate.

im not a retarted noob that ****ed **** up

That's debatable.

im trying to hack damn!

Yes, well, good luck with that.
Hacking isn't about sticking your finger in a light socket to see what happens. It's 99% research, 1% doing. Most of the hackers I've come across in my years probably have forgotten more about Windows, Networking and Computers than I will ever know... and I've been programming in Basic, Pascal, C, C-99 and ASM since the late 70s.
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