
Active Member
Nov 12, 2011
my Windows 7 64-bit computer acted oddly (after it accidentally got unplugged while on, tho not sure that's what did it). now when i boot i get as far as the windows 7 logo starts to show, then i get that it can't boot.

i changed nothing that i know of.

repair says it can't. restore, which only lists points from 3 days ago, doesn't work. i did a memory test. it was fine.

am i doomed to do a clean re-install of Windows 7?

btw, if i get that Windows 7 logo, and also a stage where it says it is loading files, that means it is reading from my hard drive, right?

but when i try scannow, it says repair is in use and re-boot.
Yes, in order to run the System File Checker from within the Recovery Environment it requires a couple extra switches
sfc /scannow /offbootdir=Z:\ /offwindir=Z:\windows
Where the letter Z:\ is the actual drive letter of your system drive
Give that a go and see if it works.
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just did that, an again, it didn't boot. it could not repair. anything else before a clean install is needed?


You performed a full 5 stage check disk on your "system drive" by typing
chkdsk C: /R
where C: is your system drive
and it completed in 22 minutes?
That was pretty fast.
Did it report any issues in reference to the drive? "it could not repair" I don't understand that comment.
The only other thing I can think of doing would be to evoke an advanced boot menu option by drilling the F8 key as the machine is booting and selecting "Last Known Good" which might help if there is a registry issue as a result of data corruption.
You may also want to try plain old safemode.
You may also want to try the native System File Checker from the recovery environment just type
sfc /scannow
You may also want to try running the startup repair option at least three times before you give up completely.

did wrong test before. just did it - no repair issues to be resolved. looked fine. at the end it did say "failed to transfer logged messages to the event log with status 50." not sure that matters.
when i use F8, i don't see an option to boot to last known good. also, i can't boot in safe mode. the only way i seem to have access to safe mode is within the repair window, but when i try scannow, it says repair is in use and re-boot.

but when i try scannow, it says repair is in use and re-boot.
Yes, in order to run the System File Checker from within the Recovery Environment it requires a couple extra switches
sfc /scannow /offbootdir=Z:\ /offwindir=Z:\windows
Where the letter Z:\ is the actual drive letter of your system drive
Give that a go and see if it works.
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