VIDEO Robert Reich: Trump's 20 Worst Broken Promises

Trump's 20 Worst Broken Promises | Robert Reich In a thought-provoking video, Robert Reich breaks down what he terms as Donald Trump's twenty worst broken promises to his supporters. Reich, a political economist and former Labor Secretary, delves into how these promises have failed to materialize, contrasting Trump's bold campaign promises with the realities of his administration.

Overview of Broken Promises​

  1. Tax Cuts for All: Trump assured voters that his tax reforms would benefit everyone, particularly the middle class. However, the reality shows that the wealthiest Americans disproportionately benefited, with 53% of all taxpayers expected to pay more by 2027.
  2. Closing Loopholes: He claimed he would eliminate special interest loopholes, like the carried interest loophole benefitting hedge fund managers. Instead, these loopholes remained intact.
  3. Repealing Obamacare: Trump promised to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act but failed to deliver any alternative plans, leaving millions potentially without health coverage.
  4. Infrastructure Investment: A trillion-dollar commitment to infrastructure went unfulfilled as funds were redirected to corporate tax cuts rather than public works.
  5. Draining the Swamp: Despite his pledge to bring in fewer insiders, Trump's administration has seen the influx of billionaires and former lobbyists, undermining his promises on making politics more transparent.
  6. Business Effectiveness: While Trump touted his business acumen, his administration has struggled with high turnover and internal chaos.
  7. Lowering Drug Prices: He assured voters drug prices would drop. Yet, this promise remains unoperational as costs have continued to rise.
  8. Lobbyist Ban: A total ban on foreign lobbyists from fundraising was promised but never enacted.
  9. Protecting Social Security & Medicare: Trump reneged on his promise to protect these vital programs, aligning with Republican plans to cut them.
  10. Maternity Leave: Trump proposed a plan for paid maternity leave, but budget constraints due to tax cuts stymied its enactment.
  11. Labeling China a Currency Manipulator: Despite promising to confront China economically, he shifted to a conciliatory approach shortly after taking office.
  12. No Bombing of Syria: He assured voters he would not engage militarily in Syria, yet military action was taken during his presidency.
  13. Border Wall Construction: While promising to build a wall, subsequent administration officials have indicated that this may not be feasible.
  14. Suing Accusers: Trump claimed he would confront women who alleged misconduct, but no significant legal actions were taken.
  15. Reining in Vacations: Criticizing Obama for vacationing, Trump's own time away has cost taxpayers significantly more.
  16. Job Retention in America: Despite promises to keep jobs in the U.S., many companies have continued offshoring.
  17. Reviving Coal Jobs: The coal industry has continued to decline, contrary to Trump's asserted revival of jobs.
  18. Supporting Steel Workers: His promises to protect American steel jobs fell flat as imports surged.
  19. Enhancing Safety: Trump promised to make America safer; however, data shows an increase in mass shootings during his term.
  20. Releasing Tax Returns: Trump initially committed to releasing his tax returns but has yet to do so, citing audits as the reason.


    Robert Reich emphasizes that these unmet promises not only undermine Trump's credibility but also impact his supporters directly. This critique serves as a reminder of the complexities and challenges within political promises versus actual governance. What are your thoughts on Reich's analysis? Do you think these broken promises have lasting effects on Trump's support? Feel free to share your views!