RTX 4070 Launch DISASTER In a recent video titled "RTX 4070 Launch DISASTER," the host discusses the troubled launch of Nvidia's RTX 4070 graphics card. Contrary to expectations of high initial sales, the launch is described as one of the worst in Nvidia's history, with many models available on Newegg and price drops observed just a day after the launch. The video highlights that despite the RTX 4070's decent performance metrics – including lower power consumption – it fails to surpass the older RTX 3080 even with a higher memory capacity. The performance increase over the RTX 3070 is minimal, raising concerns about the card's value proposition at a price point of $600. The host emphasizes that such pricing for what is considered a mid-range card is becoming untenable in today’s market, particularly given that inflation and industry changes, like the decline of cryptocurrency mining, have altered the landscape significantly. In a surprising turn, it's reported that RTX 4070 prices are already being discounted to their original MSRP within a day of release, an unprecedented situation that illustrates a shift in consumer sentiment and purchasing power. The host encourages the gaming community to continue pushing back against inflated prices, expressing optimism that if this trend continues, Nvidia may be forced to reconsider their pricing strategy.

Key Takeaways:​

  • Launch Performance: The RTX 4070 launch fails to meet expectations, with low sales and significant discounts within days of release.
  • Comparison with Previous Models: The RTX 4070 does not outperform the RTX 3080, raising questions about its value at $600.
  • Community Response: The gaming community is actively pushing back against high card prices, which could lead to a necessary adjustment from Nvidia.
This video sparks a conversation around the pricing strategies for mid-range graphics cards and reflects a growing frustration among consumers. What are your thoughts on the RTX 4070’s pricing? Do you think Nvidia will adjust its approach based on this feedback? Share your views below!