Windows 10 RunDLL Error upon start up


New Member
Jan 16, 2016

As the title states, I have been getting a Rundll error upon start up. It all started when my antivirus software Avast asked me to delete something called Total Download. Apparently Avast thought that there was something wrong with it as I got the message several times. At the time I didn't know what it was so I decided to delete it. Immediately after deleting it, every time I start up my laptop I get 2 RunDLL errors.

One of the errors states the following:
There was a problem starting C:\Users\Wesley\AppData\Local\TotalDownload\{C72BF841-E0A7-BA7F-9001-62E2FD821FE9}\TotalDownload.dll

The specified module could not be found.

The second error states the following:
There was a problem starting C:\Users\Wesley\AppData\Local\TotalDownload\{C72BF841-E0A7-BA7F-9001-62E2FD821FE9}\dwiyahyp.dll

The specified module could not be found.

There are no problems with the laptop what so ever, but its just annoying that it keeps poping up all the time upon start up and I worry that if I don't fix it now, it could cause some problems later on. If anyone knows how to fix this that would be awesome.

Thanks for reading! :)


First thing to try to go to task manger go to startup tab find that program and disable it.

Thanks for the help, but is it OK to disable it? Will anything happen if I do?

If you have deleted the program all that is left over is the script to auto start. This will get rid of that error message.
