
New Member
Sep 6, 2010
I've been getting this error every startup. It's been happening for a while so I don't know what program is causing the problem, or I would have reinstalled it.

I looked through my startup programs on system config and it says the startup item is "sta", manufacturer is "Unknown", command is "rundll32 "jjysp.dll",,Run", and finally location is "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"

I have no idea what it is or where it came from, but I'm pretty suspect of the process. I searched online for the .dll file but nothing came up. Should I disable it? Is that all I need to do to get rid of it, or is there something more that I should do?

It's almost certainly a leftover from and antivirus cleanup. You should use msconfig or autoruns (much more powerful startup manager) free from MS:

Autoruns for Windows

to stop it running, delete it from startup reboot then do a final search and make sure the dll has been deleted (it probably was by your AV).
I disabled it and it seems like everything is working fine, no problems on startup or anything.

It's almost certainly a leftover from and antivirus cleanup. You should use msconfig or autoruns (much more powerful startup manager) free from MS:

Autoruns for Windows

to stop it running, delete it from startup reboot then do a final search and make sure the dll has been deleted (it probably was by your AV).

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