VIDEO Sean Spicer Makes It Clear: Every Horrible Thing Is Obama’s Fault


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Sean Spicer Makes It Clear: Every Horrible Thing Is Obama’s Fault - The Ring Of Fire
In a recent clip from The Ring Of Fire, Sean Spicer, who served as the White House Press Secretary under Donald Trump, provided a controversial take on the hiring of Michael Flynn, the former national security advisor. Spicer suggested that the issues stemming from Flynn's hiring were the responsibility of former President Obama, who had allegedly warned Trump against hiring Flynn due to concerns over potential Russian blackmail. This rhetoric, captured during a press conference, has sparked debate about accountability in the Trump administration.
### Overview of the Video Content
The video features a lengthy discussion surrounding Sally Yates's Senate testimony, where she revealed that Obama had cautioned Trump about Flynn. As Spicer articulated, despite this warning, Trump proceeded to appoint Flynn, which raised questions about the decision-making processes within the Trump administration. Spicer deflected responsibility onto Obama, arguing that if Obama was genuinely concerned about Flynn, he should have acted to suspend Flynn's security clearance.
Spicer's comments paint a picture of a chain of blame, where negative outcomes—specifically related to Flynn’s ties to Russia and his eventual dismissal—are somehow redirected back to Obama. This suggests a persistent refrain within Trump's administration, where accountability for failures and controversies is framed as a legacy of the previous administration.
### Key Points Discussed
1. **Obama’s Warning**: Spicer confirmed the existence of Obama's caution regarding Flynn but questioned Obama's failure to act more decisively if this was a true concern.
2. **Security Clearance**: There was discussion about the security clearance Flynn maintained, with Spicer arguing that it was renewed by the Obama administration just months before Trump took office.
3. **Political Narrative**: Spicer's comments reflect a broader narrative among some Republicans that attributes failures during the Trump presidency to Obama, while successes are attributed to Trump. This dynamic highlights ongoing tribalism in American politics, where the accountability shifts with convenience.
4. **Historical Context**: The video also connects these contemporary issues to how Obama faced similar blame during his presidency, suggesting a cyclical pattern of blame politics in Washington, D.C.
### Implications for the Political Landscape
This exchange exemplifies the shifting responsibility in political narratives and how administrations tend to deflect criticism by linking it to predecessors. As we see in the discussions from the clip, the conversation seems to echo long-standing partisan divides, where actions taken by one administration are often used to justify the failures or missteps of another.
Spicer’s framing raises questions about how political figures manage legacy and responsibility, making it a pertinent topic for discussions among political analysts and commentators.
What are your thoughts on Spicer’s claims? Do you think it’s fair to argue that Obama's warning about Flynn encapsulates larger issues of accountability in politics? Let me know in the comments!
