Windows 7 Set individual cmdprompt windows sizes (num of rows/cols) for different batch scripts?


Extraordinary Member
When I start a DOS batch file *.bat procedure then a cmdprompt window opens with the default
number of columns and rows.

In old WinXP I could pause the batch script and change the number of columns/rows of this terminal/cmdprompt windowa as well as other parameters like font size.

AND (this is important !) these changes apply ONLY FOR THE current batch script name.

When I start another batch script then the default values are taken again (until I individualize them here again for this particular batch script). As far as I can see WinXP associated the actual batch script to the number of cols/rows by the title name of the cmdprompt (which can be changed by the "title" command inside the batch script.

In Windows 7 this all does seem to work any more. All batch scripts work with the same cmdprompt window size.
When I change it for ONE batch script then it applies for all others as well.

Is there a workaround/gimmick to individualize it here as well?

Maybe there is a command to set the num of cols/rows from inside the batch script ?
