Windows 7 Someone PLEASE tell me what this addon is!?!?

Oh wow.
He doesn't mean the dock, he means the other circled stuff (such as the logoff options in the middle, the transparent bar on the left etc.
Looks pretty slick.
Any chance anyone knows what add-on or whatever that thing is?
I found out what it is. It's called Rainmeter.
It has different themes, but the that's what the base program is called. <---- Click here for the webpage.
This is Rainmeter - a customizable monitoring skin service. There are TONS of different skins for it too. I honestly don't know what that one is - you can see some of mine at my site: RainMeter Downloads - it will direct you to my deviantArt account to download but you can also find a ton of others on there. If you want to find out specifically what that skin is, post on forum and someone can probably help you out.